Stakes episodes

Were the best episodes of AT ive seen in a long time. Finn and Jake actually acted like their old wacky selves, we get some good back story on Marcelline, and everything that goes down is pretty strange and crazy. theyre great.


They're some of the best episodes.

I think its interesting that Marcy's "only" natural power is soul sucking which she inherited from her father. Her powers comes from vanquished vampires:

The Fool: Levitation
Empress: Invisibility
Hierophant: Shape shifting
The Moon: Rapid healing

I also love ep 1 and 6 because the Bubbline is super strong. It was cute in the dream, that Marcy is old but still with PB in the cabin and PB gives her a sweet kiss. When she wakes up its adorbz that she is tenderly in PB's arms.She looks so happy.


Watched the first two chapters, looks like they finally got the right mix of comedy and pathos (it's been leaning far too much to the right lately). Surprised that we saw the earliest glimpse of the Animal People, and I'm curious as to how their descendants ended up as they are today.

Great facial expressions from Jake so far.

And hot damn, Paul Williams sounds pretty dang young in it!



And hot damn, Paul Williams sounds pretty dang young in it!

I LOVE Paul Williams! A few months ago there was a pic of him with some writers/animators and i figured he'd voice a character soon, glad to know he got to be part of Stakes 


Okay, finished it all up!

Holy crap, I was not expecting any status-quo change outside of Marceline, but seeing KOO nearly dying + losing his throne was a pleasant surprise. I presumed Stakes would end with the Candy People showing a small sign of distrust, but nope, one look at PB being cool and they go 180 on him. Good ol' typical AT anticlimax.

Now, there were a few disappointments. Abadeer didn't play any role outside of a quick mention, and Rebecca Sugar's role was sweet but all-too brief. It sounded like the series was going to reveal a good chunk of Marceline's past, but quickly morphed into Kill Bill: Goofy Vampire Edition instead. I guess the writers still want to hold on revealing those reveals for another season.

I still really enjoyed it, just a different tale than I expected.



I'll have to settle with "meh".

Finn acted like his old wacky self? Like Hell. He mostly acted embarrassing and useless.
He had no bearing on the plot, but they couldn't justify doing 8 episodes without the title characters, so they were kinda shoehorned in.

In the old episodes he were doing all kinds of awesome fighting moves, killing stuff left and right.
When he tried to attack the Vampire King. It felt so heartless, like he wasn't even trying.

The revealed lore stuff were nice, but not worth the 8 episodes. This should have been trimmed down heavily and be a two-parter at the most. Remember how Betty were thrown at us through a single episode? Yet they don't mind spending 8 episodes on a status quo story?

Marceline looses powers, then regains them in the end.
Bubblegum goes back to being a princess.




Men love in haste but detest at leisure. Hatred is by far the longest pleasure.


I've always loved Marceline's past, so this was right up my alley.


I love the intro for the Stakes episodes. Especially Marceline's little hair bounce at the end when they all pop up on Jake's head. <3
