Ending in 2018!

When I first heard this, I just said, Oh my glob. http://www.slashfilm.com/adventure-time-ending/


B-but I... I was specifically told the fun would never end!

I'm honestly okay with this. The show has improved since Season 7 started, but still feels like it's spinning its wheels and I don't know how much further they can progress with the characters. I am surprised it isn't lasting 3-4 more years given its continual popularity, but I'm glad there'e enough time to wrap up the last few story arcs (eg. Ice Crown, Finn's past, the Lich's eventual rebirth) before 2018.

Plus, how many kids' cartoons, let alone creator-driven ones, get to end on their own terms? These guys are LUCKY.

Still, a bit odd that this and Regular Show's last season get announced around the same time. Is Gumballl next to follow?

EDIT: yep, Gumball's leaving too. Damn, end of an era.



I don't agree it's spinning its wheels--they've been very good at dealing with the over-arching plot and character threads, and have done a lot of brilliant standalones as well. The Marcelline Saga was amazing. But it must be getting hard to keep it fresh after all this time, and it may be that it's also getting difficult to continue on an economic level--it's not The Simpsons. The ratings aren't that great (how can they be, in the timeslots it gets?). Merchandising is robust enough, but hardly a goldmine. And every time they renegotiate contracts, salaries go up.

I'm okay with it too, and I still made the same joke you just did, before I read your post.

But with both Adventure Time and Game of Thrones off the air by the end of 2018, I'm going to have to start questioning why I need cable.
