But they said the fun would never end! LIARS!
Well anyway, this is how I envision the final storyline unfolding--
The lovable old princess-molesting Ice King finally goes completely bonkers, and runs against the hard-working, nerdy, but somehow under-appreciated Princess Bubblegum, for ruler of Ooo.
She humiliates him in their first debate, at which point he is suddenly possessed by the spirit of the Lich, and now he just wants to destroy everything. Gunther the penguin, who is suddenly a tall blonde woman with a really annoying voice, tries to talk him down, but he's gone full Lich, and won't listen. The self-styled King of Ooo is running his campaign, and egging him on, and calling himself Breitbart for reasons unknown.
Chauvinist Crunchy likes the new Ice King, but most of the Candy Kingdom just finds him creepy as all hell, particularly after that video of him talking about how he moved on Turtle Princess 'like a bitch' comes out. Nobody's quite sure how he would have grabbed her pussy, but it was all locker room talk, anyway. Point is, now he's gotten control of the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant (GOP for short, hey that acronym makes no sense), and he threatens all kinds of dire consequences if they don't let him be King of Everything, Glob Incarnate.
I'm not quite sure who Finn, Jake, and Marcelline are in this scenario, but you can bet old Ice King/Lich will get a royal beating once they appear.
You know, I think maybe they're us.