Soccer game scene..

I could see number of people discussing here on the soccer game scene. I cannot understand the importance on how it was filmed or why there is a need for this discussion on this? I think it was a straight forward scene where they were looking for Gomez and pursue when they find him. Can someone explain what was so great?



The fact it was done in one supposedly seamless shot. No cuts.



And not only was it a super long shot, it started high in the sky and ended in the stadium. Very cool stuff to watch.


I just watched the movie. For me, it was a very impressive scene. Long shots with no visible edits are meant to often create tension (see the scene in the 4th episode of "True Detective", or Hichcock's "Rope"), or immersion (the long tracking shot in "Goodfellas" or "Boogie Nights") ...
It was indeed just a straight forward scene, and it's okay not to be impressed by it, but many people like myself find visual narrative, the aestethics and scene compositions very interesting and the football stadium scene is very well made, from that perspective.


I have no idea how they did the stunt with the guy jumping and landing. Seems like he woulda ended up with a bone popping out from the impact.

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