MovieChat Forums > Defendor (2010) Discussion > are there any bad animal scenes in this?

are there any bad animal scenes in this?

like animal killings or animal abuse? yes i know this movie has a lot of human violence but I really don't like to see animal violence. don't ask me why, that's just how i've always been. serious answers are greatly appreciated! thanks!

You must love this country more than I love a cold beer on a hot Christmas morning...~Homer Simpson


It would depend if you consider insects as animals worthy of you disliking or not.

A some parts there are insects used as a weapon.


thank you - I guess I mean mammals (dogs, pigs, cats, cows, horses, some ocean life). thank you!

You must love this country more than I love a cold beer on a hot Christmas morning...~Homer Simpson


So unless its cute you don't care?


pretty much. i don't know, there are some really ugly fish out there that i care about. i guess just not insects. well, the cute ones I do. Lady bugs, dragon flies, etc. or those really ugly dogs that are SO ugly the are cute? those count too.

You must love this country more than I love a cold beer on a hot Christmas morning...~Homer Simpson


Christ you sound like those idiot PETA members. BTW - Humans are animals but I suppose you don't give a rats ass about them being killed or hurt unless it is a little kid.


only if hte human or child is cute. if they are ugly i don't care.

You must love this country more than I love a cold beer on a hot Christmas morning...~Homer Simpson


Wow, the OP is either a troll or just plain dumb. Only caring about something if it's cute is worse than not caring about something at all.





only if hte human or child is cute. if they are ugly i don't care.
That doesn't seem horridly superficial...




Esse Quam Videri


I second this.


I am sorry but this is a ridiculous post. OP why dont you just watch the movie and find out huh? Human violence is ok, but please dont hurt the animals? I think you belong in a zoo mate


I think he's simultaneously trolling and taking the piss out of animal lovers sensibilities. Now you must be thinking what I'm thinking, trolls can't multi task and that means only one thing. It has evolved. And we must kill it with fire.


Haha, post of the century!
