MovieChat Forums > The Irishman (2019) Discussion > Will Trump supporters watch it?

Will Trump supporters watch it?

I read they are boycotting everything De Niro.


Hah! Good question. It's funny how sensitive they are about celebrities speaking out when the current president not only doesn't ever shut up but made his brand AS A CELEBRITY and he hosted a show called the CELEBRITY Apprentice.


The difference is that Trump is making political statements as a politician and wasn't a politician yet when he made those shows.


I'm a Trump supporter and I AM going to watch this for several reasons. 1. I LOVE Martin Scorsese. 2. There is a great chance that you will never see an ensemble cast like this in a gangster movie ever again. 3. You'll most likely never see a REAL gangster movie like only Martin Scorsese can do ever again! 4. DeNiro's a hypocrite AND who cares what this moron thinks? You're an actor....NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU THINK! Just read the script, idiot! ie DeNiro calls Mr. Trump racist...yet he has no problem being friends with racists like Al Sharpton.


You do realise it's over an hour long don't you?


Absolutely! Us Trump supporters read multiple sources and don’t believe everything we hear.


LOL apparently you were living under a rock from 2009 - 2016. If you even dared question the President you were branded a racist because of course there was nothing Barack could do that was wrong, any criticisms against him just had to be because of his skin color. But yeah at least we never threatened to blow up the White House during that time.


Do you really need to write "lol"???




Why? it's totally banal.


Almost as banal as nitpicking irrelevant issues on a casual message board.


that conversation ended quickly. LOL!


Another banal loller


There are other words in the dictionary besides banal. Another pseudo intellectual troll.



Poopsey1Do you really need to waste our precious oxygen with your worthless breathing? If someone typing "lol" bothers you THAT much then you need to re evaluate your own life and what you're doing with it because it makes you look like you have no life. Here's one that might bother you some: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


WTF. That is a weak ass put down. LOL


celebrities speaking out

you mean de niro just yelling fuck trump, is speaking out?


De Niro could do with being more articulate and just saying Trump is dangerous because he doesn't like him and that he's a gangster. Either way this film looks fantastic and Scorsese just denounced Marvel calling them not "real films". So far 'The Irishman' is weeding out the obsessed MAGA/Marvel crowd whilst I have no problem with them doing their thing, it's a special occasion when Scorsese makes a movie so they should just put down their pitchforks and try to immerse themselves in something different for a few hours.


Are they also boycotting Joker?


It was amazing seeing Di Niro's brains splatter all over the walls in that movie.


Spoiler Alert.

Sadly. I haven't seen it yet.


hmm, there couldn't have been much.

good thing it's all special effect and CGI, the real thing would be been a big letdown for moviegoers


Sure I will I'll bit torrent it.


who says "bit torrent"?


Cancel culture is as dumb as those that support it. I don't know of anyone that worships a president like a king/emperor/god like Trump supporters. It's cult-like which is freaky and scary in itself. Sheep drones to the end. Obama was a celeb president but I don't think anyone really worshiped him like those do with Trump (maybe blacks in general).

What's funny is how the conservative youtube channels I subscribe to all defend Joker while critics trash it. People just love comparing a movie for entertainment to things in real life to make themselves relevant in life itself or things they despise.


Hahaha!! Obama is still worshiped by the left as is Clinton


give us example of the worship you claim !

the truth is, only the left wingers, like you, are the ones obsessed with the current US president.... he lives rent free in their tiny brains...... TDS !!

btw, i am not american, but i see your bullshit from way over here in europe.


"I don't know of anyone that worships a president like a king/emperor/god like Trump supporters. It's cult-like which is freaky and scary in itself. "

you got examples of that?

only ones obsessed with this president are his opponents, the fucking crazy brainwashed libs.


Obsessed, huh? Sexually attracted to Trump, huh?


Just because you masturbate watching Trump's rallies does not mean everyone is sexually attracted to your dear leader.


Yea like this jerk in Staten Island who claimed De Niro was his hero yet proceeds to totally trash a framed portrait of the guy all because De Niro insulted Trump at the Tony Awards. What a loyal fan right? Just because someone doesn't share your political views doesn't mean they are your enemy. Unfortunately when it comes to politics this (your with me or your my enemy) way of thinking has become the standard. I have no problem with Donald Trump, but there are certain members of my extended family who have given me shit for continuing to like Robert De Niro. It's quite simple really, he's a good actor and I enjoy his movies


You do know millions of people voted for and support Trump, right? Him making an ass of himself at an award ceremony (totally inappropriate) is insulting to them. The left portrays all Trump supporters as racists, rednecks, idiots, fascists, and phobic about anything that suits their narrative of the moment. He is offensive and an awful person. Just ask his wife.


Who cares?


I'm team trump , the more citizens who support the president the stronger the country.

What deniro and hollyweird are doing is making the country look weak and vulnerable to enemies.

Plus trump is a straight white male so all criticism is open.
These people are taught to never criticize someone of color or of a different sexuality.

So if the future president is a person of color or gay. They will have to keep quiet. They are just getting it all out now
