Pepper saving the day

I just can't get over how corny and cringy it is to see Paltrow save the day in a superhero movie.


Exactly! This crap pissed me off I was like are you kidding me iron man was getting his butt kicked ALL movie then when he's supposed to save his wife the dummy lets her fall to her death. The writers thought oh the fans will enjoy her getting lucky rather than her husband iron man heroically saving her lmao I swear some people are just stupid. Now I know why I never seen this film until now smh stupid film. Iron man was a completely joke. A clown.


She's not his wife, dummy. Also, he couldn't get to her in time and he did save her. He just didn't save her as Iron Man. He used his intellect as Tony Stark to save her by curing her of the Extremis formula.

Also, you whined about how his suits didn't work. No sh!t, Sherlock. That is because with him dealing with PTSD he only put about a week's worth of work into each suit. He was scrambling to build a suit for each situation he could think of, and not putting quality into each one.

I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of the dummies who complained in Age of Ultron that Tony still had suits and was still Iron Man. 


Do you always insult people when they criticize mediocre movies that you like? Also, it's actually good that you brought this up, since this plot point was never explained until Civil War. Seems like down the road, Marvel have finally realized, "Oh, crap! We never acknowledged the fact that Stark have retired in his awful third installment... Let's... Let's just mention it for a brief moment and pretend as if it was planned." But. you know, maybe it's a good idea that they have never acknowledged Iron Man 3. Nobody wants to acknowledge it.
