But I do think it can easily be updated so it's not racist or campy.
They kind of did that already, didn't they? Remember Mickey Rourke's "EVILLLL RUSSIAN BAD GHUY" from Iron Man 2? That's like something out of bad 80's action film set in the cold war. What is funny though, the character on which Ivan Vanko was based on, in the comics was actually one of the first non-evil Russian characters, who became Tony Stark's friend, and later on scarified himself to save Stark.
And yeah, the main villain of Iron Man 3 was the epitome of campy, banal villains. From the way he's written to the way his powers are conceptualized. Mandarin has never been "campy" villain. Outside of his over-the-top abilities, the character itself is pretty multi-layered and complex.
The main think with Mandarin in the early comics was that it was magic against science.
It was more than that. Mandarin was a power seeking opportunist who was feared and respected for his power, and power meant everything for him. Iron Man was a selfless do-gooder who used his power selflessly to help people.
And Mandarin didn't really had the power of magic. It's a big misconception about his powers. His powers are technology based. They're just super-advanced.