MovieChat Forums > Iron Man Three (2013) Discussion > Loved it. The perfect story for the thir...

Loved it. The perfect story for the third film.

I want to say that I really did like Iron Man 2 a lot but at times that film felt like they were finding their way and searching for a way to build towards the possibility of Avengers. It worked because they did indeed find their way and however Avengers managed to hit the screen it hit the screen in style.

What’s great about Iron Man 3 is that there’s no looking forward and certainly no feeling of a stumbling or searching plot. The writers on this film made just exactly the right size sandbox for the whole story. Everything seen on screen has some meaning now or at some point later in this story arc. There is no intention to pay anything off down the line in some other film. It’s a very well written movie where most everything speaks to an overall theme of some kind. There’s also some fine humor mixed in as everyone comes to expect in these Marvel films. It really is a masterfully crafted film.

That’s why I’m so impressed with this movie. You know they could have phoned it in after Avengers. Just give Iron Man some Transformers level CGI action-fest and sit back and count the box office receipts. That really is the very last thing they did. In fact, they went so bold that it may piss off a few anal retentive fanboys.

Iron Man 3 would actually be a stand out film with none of the great action.
Fortunately, Iron Man 3 delivers story first but it’s coupled with the best action of the series. Marvel really did learn a lot from Avengers and those other pre-Avengers films. The lessons learned pays off big. I’m also do glad they didn’t get overindulgent. It’s back to Tony and Pepper and their supporting cast. That’s how it should be and needed to be. This movie is Tony's journey (mentally and physically) from start to finish.

They hit a home run at every turn with this one. Anyone that says otherwise is flat out lying or one of those very few anal fanboys I referred to earlier.


I really think most of us that really did see it will feel this way.

To paraphrase a quote, it's all about story, stupid. The plot turns and dialogue really are some of the best this type film has ever produced. I'm talking all-time great. Things are so much more complex then they were in the days of Donner's Superman for example. If this challenges some movie goers who want video game madness over story then so be it.


It really is well crafted and a good barometer of how a film maker and screen writer should tackle a number three film in a trilogy. Don't cover old ground, simply reference it and play off what has come before. The emotional investment we have in the two main characters (less so with Rhodey) pays off in a big way in this film. It's a strength because the other films really made us care for them.

I also liked having no armored up villains this time around. Been there and done that.


The movie is just too good NOT to like. People saying they hate it haven't even seen the film.


It really was the perfect thrird film.


This really is the typical reaction from fans and critics. Those saying otherwise are looking for a reason to cause trouble.

A few really are anal retentive fanboys upset that their comic book ideas weren't held to a strict accordance. Those few fanboys have got to make up 5% of all fanboys to be honest but they are a vocal lot.


I didn't and still don't care how the character was written in 1980. In 2013, this will be considered one of the movies of the year.


A brave statement this early in the film calendar, but it stands a good chance from my perspective :)

But then there is still Star Trek 2, pacific rim, Thor 2, kick ass 2, the wolverine and a few others that have escaped my memory to come. A good summer in prospect.

"Act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch."


A brave statement this early in the film calendar, but it stands a good chance from my perspective :)

But then there is still Star Trek 2, pacific rim, Thor 2, kick ass 2, the wolverine and a few others that have escaped my memory to come. A good summer in prospect.

"Act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch."


A brave statement this early in the film calendar, but it stands a good chance from my perspective :)

But then there is still Star Trek 2, pacific rim, Thor 2, kick ass 2, the wolverine and a few others that have escaped my memory to come. A good summer in prospect.

Star Trek 2, Thor 2 and The Wolverine all have a shot at the title. Pacific Rim and Kick Ass 2 have no shot. They are niche films that know what they are and probably didn't even try to reach a higher place like Iron Man 3 achieved.


I actually meant those film were vying to be MY film of the year. It's so sujective though do we will all have our favourite niche films.

I can say my anticipation for Star Trek is higher, but I have had to wait for friends who want to come with me :(

"Act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch."


What did you really think of Star Trek? Disappointing to a degree right?


The DVD release date is getting closer! I can't wait.


That's almost exactly what everyone is saying.


Tony's past has not defined him, destroyed him, deterred him, or defeated him; it has only strengthened him.


so glad I saw this pirated b/c I would of been pissed if I paid money to see this garbage. The Mandarin wasn't even the actual villain and they made the Mandarin a joke and just a actor playing a terrorist. I was so disappointed with this especially after the avengers boy did they mess this one up bad.


No one should be a proud pirate. That's like bragging about shoplifting.


You'd think they nailing that guy that pirated Wolverine Origins would've gotten people's attention. Send them all to jail!


Iron Man 3 is beyond such things. I wouldn't even be surprised at an Oscar nomination for RDJ.



What's not to love?


What has to be the movie of the year, Iron Man 3 will be considered the best of the “third” films by a large margin. Good luck to other films releasing this year as they try and match the quality of Iron Man 3, they’ll need it.


Bill Clinton and Al Gore are sitting in a diner. The waitress says, "Ready to order?" Clinton says, "Yeah. I'd like a quickie." The waitress says, "A quickie? Mr. President, I don't think that's a real good idea. I'll come back when you're ready to order from the menu." Gore leans and says, "It's pronounced "quiche."


Get over to the Winter Soldier page. That film isn't close to perfect like this one. It IS perfect.


Don't look now but it's about to get more love and cross the $200 million domestic mark.


They did it.


It also has to have writers and directors of the next wave of Marvel films worried. Iron Man 3 set the bat quite high.


Didn't you write " a pure home run" when talking about this movie? So true!


$200 million? Try ONE BILLION!


Looking back at one billion now means more. Every day adds to the legend.


You know the trolls aren't happy about that.


The love doctor is IN!


Wife standing in front of a mirror and telling to her husband, "I am fat, old, wrinkled and no longer pretty. Will you still give me a romantic compliment? Husband replied, "Your eyesight is still excellent."



Every cause produces more than one effect.


^^^ This made me laugh!! "A masterfully crafted film" It was beyond bad!!! Catch a grip of yourself you geek. "Just give Iron Man some Transformers level CGI action-fest and sit back and count the box office receipts" Did you see the finale?? it was like a shootout in a toy store! It was a terrible film, you know it and I know it, so take the rose tinted glasses off and wake up you idiot. Excellent post mind you, it really did me make laugh :)

"A Legend, Mr Wayne".


You can admit you didn't understand it enough to appreciate it. Actually, you kind of just did.


You can admit you didn't understand it enough to appreciate it. Actually, you kind of just did.

No "kind of" he really did just that.


It’s no wonder that a lot of critics are again praising Iron Man in some way. Iron Man 3 is truly worthy to follow The Avengers.

The original Iron Man may have surpassed every original installment of any superhero film to date. The sequel advanced the character of Tony Stark while setting up Avengers quite nicely. Iron Man 3 goes beyond even that and when you start at the remarkably high level that the first film achieved, that’s saying something. It manages to deliver everything with the same style and integrity of the first film but adds more intensity, drama and action.


I just read Richard Roeper's review and he enjoyed it very much. Iron Man 3 is hitting around 85-90% critical approval for a reason. It's simply a good film no matter how the haters try to spin it.


The best film I've seen in a while.


She, she ain't real
She ain't gon' be able to love you like I will
She is a stranger You and I have history or don't you remember?
Sure, she's got it all but baby is that really what you want?
Bless your soul, you got your head in the clouds
She made a fool out of you and, boy,
she's bringing you downShe made your heart melt but you're cold to the core
Now rumour has it, she ain't got your love anymore

Rumour has it


We all desire to see Iron Man 4. Desire makes life happen. Makes it matter. Makes everything worth it. Desire is life. Hunger to see the next sunrise or sunset, to touch the one you love, to try again.


Did your therapist tell you that?

"This is how you disappear."


An enjoyable film. While the sequel had highlights it suffered from a poor villain and a meandering middle in which nothing dramatic happened and a finale which was little more than a retread of the original. Guy Pearce is as talented as always and much more threatening. Stark does spend a lot of his time out of the suit in Iron Man 3 and the tone of the film is quite different from the rest and the Avengers.

Stark seems much more out of his depth here - a long way from the cocksure Iron Man who fought Loki. This slows the film down considerably and might not be to everyone's taste, especially those expecting a magical supervillain with alien rings.


Oh, I didn't mean to knock Donner's Superman earlier but it's just that there really is no sci-fi movie of the 70's that can match the quality of today. That doesn't make it bad, just dated.


Iron Man 3 is a believable sci-fi adventure featuring an intelligent story that really does have the right amount of humor, angst and drama. It easily fulfilled and the exceeded all of my expectations. It is a special treat when a sequel reaches up and delivers an excellent film that you thoroughly enjoy as much if not more than anything that’s come before. It really is better than the first Iron Man. It truly feels like they just paused after Avengers and focused on Tony Stark by simply telling his story from right after the events of that remarkable film. They certainly skipped right over that third movie curse. I honestly pray for another installment as quickly as possible if they can keep making them this good.


You sir, are a smart lad.


It's all in the view. That's what I mean about forever, too. For any one of us our forever could end in an hour, or a hundred years from now. You never know for sure, so you'd better make every second count.


Wife comes home late at night and quietly opens the door to her Bedroom. From under the blanket she sees four legs instead of two. She reaches for a Baseball Bat and starts hitting the blanket as hard as she can. Once she's done, she goes to the kitchen to have a drink. As she enters, she sees her husband there, reading a magazine. Husband says: "Hi Darling, Your parents have come to visit us, so let them stay in our bedroom. Hope you said Hello to them"


$91,000 is still above door man levels in savings.



No Coke?


I didn't mean to knock Donner's Superman earlier but it's just that there really is no sci-fi movie of the 70's that can match the quality of today. That doesn't make it bad, just dated.

That statement may have to be adjusted because Amazing Spider-Man 2 delivered a modern turd that falls way short of Donner's Superman.


Small world, small minds but big threads help to educate small minds.


IM3 is as complex as its conflicted protagonist. It’s a slickly engineered special-effects extravaganza with a saucy sense of humor that’s well-acted and masterful at every turn. I loved it too.


Iron Man 3 is simply an outstanding movie on every level. Even most of the attempted nitpicks don't hold any water whatsoever. When people want to hate on a film but can't find legitimate arguments, you know that's a quality film. The worst thing haters determined to knock the film can legitimately say (given it has been praised by 80% of critics) is that “it’s only pretty good and not great” then you know Iron Man 3 is exceptional. It holds up under any scrutiny. I wish the fans of other films that are coming later this year would just get over it. Sure, Iron Man 3 has set the bar high but that’s no reason to be defensive or even worried that it’ll overshadow your film. It’s quite petty to try and bash a great film because you’re an overzealous fan of another franchise. (Superman fans, I’m looking right at you.)



Maybe that toilet scene was cut from Shane's original cut? I'd love to see that because what section of the newspaper would Tony read? Would he have an actual paper or more likely have an Ipad on the can with him? Does he have his own version of the Ipad? So many great questions that even Tony Stark taking a dump would be more interesting than the average film. Good point, FirstandTen!


The MCU is unstoppable at this point.
