Deze Nutz

My memory of this is hazy, but remember the episode where someone told Cooper a "deze nutz" joke and he, typically, didn't react, but obviously mulled it over and retold it to Dewey, who laughed uproariously, even causing Cooper to smile a little.

I thought it was a wonderful scene - showing Cooper maybe thinking about coming out of himself a touch, realising it's not a cardinal sin to have a laugh now and again, and also displaying Dewey's loveable heart-on-sleeve personality - he'd roar with laughter just to make the other person feel good, even if the joke wasn't funny.

I miss this show, and that kind of writing.


Well that scene was funny was that Officer Cooper was always so serious and played the straight, serious man (I don't mean straight in as in sexuality in this phrasing). So when he comes out of his normal serious self and tells Dewey a joke it has him and the audience laughing or smiling because that is not expected from him.

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


It was after Cooper's last boot when Officer Lucero and him first started riding together. Officer Lucero made the joke and Cooper got irritated and Lucero said "this job is 99% comedy so I laugh everyday". Then Coop tried the joke out on Dewey later on and he thought it was funny coming from Coop just like Bubblenator said.
