MovieChat Forums > Southland (2009) Discussion > Did anyone like SHerman?

Did anyone like SHerman?

I thought he was just a pretty boy who was full of himself. Especially how he treated his partner in the final season.

I didn't mind so much that he was going to turn Cooper in for his drug abuse because this could've gotten him killed, but after that he just seemed like he was above everyone else.

TWITTER @bigdaddy6666


I liked Sherman in the first few seasons. He was a likable rookie with the potential to be a great cop. But during his partnership with Sammy, a partnership that could have been great, events unfoldet where he made one dumb-a$$ decission after another and refused to see that he was in the wrong. Granted, Sammy put him in a sh!tty situation when he refused to get rid of that video tape after he'd lied for him. But the way he handled it was totally wrong


He had one thing going for him, he got more pussy than a toilet seat.


He was good in the first 3 seasons. After that, he's a major douche.
