MovieChat Forums > American Murder: The Family Next Door (2020) Discussion > The wife was immature and gossipy. A bul...

The wife was immature and gossipy. A bully

Who was she to ban his parents from their life?

And all that angry texting to her friend talking about lack of affection and sex. It was gossipy and attention seeking. It was immature.

I hate when women feel like they’re not getting enough love or attention and turn nasty about it. That only makes things worse.


I hate to admit it but when I watched this it made me really dislike her. Still, she did not deserve to die and certainly those precious babies didn't. So sad.


I’d be very surprised if you even HAVE a woman in your life the way you talk about them. She was confiding in her friend her genuine fears and concerns. That’s what women do in friendships.


Sorry. But taking kids from their grand parents over ridiculous non-reason is wrong. She was a victim that didnt deserve to die. But what she was doing to her in laws was wrong.


How do you know what was going on? Her mother in law seems like a nasty person but I don't know what all went down either. It's all second hand information. All we know is what she texted her friend, she was baring her soul to that friend. That's what friends do.


How do YOU know that "mother in law seems like a nasty person"? Do you know her personally? )))

What made you think that? I saw that documentary where all character of wife was shown. Her online persona and and her inner persona which we saw in her texts with friend. And her actions. She was not a nice person. She didnt deserve to die for it but since we saw that case - we can have opinions on characters of people. And she was not killed for being bossy and bad person. He killed her because he was sociopath who dint love anyone. Until he met mistress and felt strong affection for her. So strong that his stupid arse decided to eliminate his family so that he can be with her, fresh start.

She was not "was baring her soul", jesus. It was ordinary conversation between two girlfriends. People do that all the time - gossip and telling their friend their problems.There was nothing special about it. Just two friends talking. I wonder why she didnt just call and talk about all of it in person? People are so addicted to those texts. But at least it helped police to see that she was suspecting of him to have and affair. And it helped friend to alert everyone few hours after murder because friend knew he was having affair and that might be the reason of disappearance.


If I knew her personally I wouldn't say that she 'seems like' a nasty person. I don't know her and have only media content to judge her on and in that media content she comes off like a nasty person.


And who are you to be talking shit about a defenseless victim who watched her own husband choke her to death? You weren't in the marriage with them. Asshat!


I’m surprised that Netflix let that thing in documentary and told the story the way it was and not portray her as the nice and humble person that she tried to portray herself on her social media.

Up until that moment she seemed like a nice person. I liked her. I could not believe that she would lash out at his parents like that over stupid ice cream. And grandparents didnt even knew about allergy because they dont see grandkids often I guess. And SHE didnt tell them. They were not at fault. And then she sad she will lever let them see kids again.

That was so rude and horrible. I thought there must be something else and this was just the last straw. But nope. They were not even at the wedding. He said they were not getting along because his parents thought she took him away from them.

I assume parents saw her for who she was. Manipulative selfish person who was bossing their son and he would eat everything up. They dint like it and she didnt like them back.

But to take away grandchildren from them using ice cream as reason it vile. And then she backtracked and said she will make amends with them BUT ONLY because she thought he was ghosting her because he got upset about it. And she went in full panic mode when she understood for the first time that she is losing him and her power over him is fading. Thats why all those hysterical texts to her friend. This probably happened for the first time in 8 years. He was slipping away and she didnt know how to stop it.



She didnt deserve to die for it of course. But its interesting aspect of what led to that catastrophe. Would he not be afraid of divorce if she wouldnt be this bossy and clingy? In his sociopath mind he decided that it would be easy to just for them all to vanish then to deal with divorce.

This is how all those dads disappear when they "leave for cigarettes" and dont come back. They just dont want to deal with drama and they dont love their kids enough to stay for them. They just want to have a fresh start. So they just run away.

This is what this guy should have done. Run away with his mistress and never look back. Instead this idiot decided to kill them all. And he didnt even thought of it too much and dint have plan. Few days after he was already confessing. Such pointless crime.


Yeah, that's how a sociopath's mind works. If a divorce and paying child support costs more than murder, then they'll commit the murder to save themselves a few bucks!

Online bitches have been picking everything about Shannen Watts apart for ages, her personality, her social media, her work, her child-rearing... but none of that matters at all. She wasn't killed because she was awful, or even annoying, she was killed because she had become inconvenient to a sociopath. That's the motivation and the whole reason for the murder, she and the totally innocent children had become inconvenient.


Yes. He killed her because he is sociopath. And it looks like he didnt even had a plan. Its like he just decided to do that one moment. And next day did. There was no way he wouldnt be caught with phone records and mistress. He even buried them at that place where he was working. Thats the first place police would go and search.

Im surprised he lived that long enough and didnt kill or hurt anyone. Did someone researched his past? There had to be such behavior.


That's an unsettling thought!

But probably accurate... someone needs to look into his past for missing people.


How do you know that she didn't tell the grandparents of the allergy?


I think husband slipped something like that when asked about the conflict. That they didnt know.

She overblew that situation just because she didnt like his parents. And used that to take away their grandkids and forbid them to see them. Which was, again, vile. Thus they couldnt even show up for their birthday. And she bragged to her friend how happy she was they didnt.

And keep in mind that family didnt visit place where both grandparents lived too often. They had to fly there. They didnt do that every month. So it was very rare chance for his parent to spend time with their grandchildren and to know them and she took away that for her own selfish reasons.

She let them go with them, grandma bought ice cream and she lashed out. So much that his mother kicked her out. I assume she was screaming and calling them names. Then had no problem leaving kids for 2 days to fly somewhere for her own business, leaving kids with husband who then left them with nanny and went to restaurant with his mistress.


So you are taking the word of a murderer?! Jesus.

She took the kids away because there were nuts in the ice cream and the MIL was well informed that they had a severe allergy, to the point that Shanann carried an epi pen with her everywhere. I'd scream at them and call them names too!!

Of course she had no problem leaving the kids for two days with THEIR FATHER!

Nothing would keep me away from my kids wedding or my grandchild's birthday. Her MIL did shit like that. Maybe she did overblow the situation, that wouldn't stop me from going to my grand babies birthday party.


You are naive.

I assume parents didnt know there were nuts in ice cream or whatever. Do you imply that patents gave nuts to grandchild on purpose? Thats stupid.

But she used that as excuse to forbid them seeing them at all. Just because she didnt like them. Parents have the rights to see their grandkids.

And I would actually wonder why parents disliked her so much that they didnt even attend wedding. I would like to hear their side. Did they gave interview?


Cindy Watt's said that she didn't believe that they actually had an allergy after being told that they did. She said that she thought Shanann made it up. She said that she believed Shanan made up her own condition of not being able to have children as well. Which, why you would even RISK the chance of that being not true is beyond stupid and reckless.

Shanann said in text to her friend that they weren't banned or forbidden to come to the birthday party, they just didn't come.

Like I said, there is NOTHING that would keep me away from my child's wedding, I don't care who they are marrying. Cindy said that they didn't go to the wedding because she just couldn't get along with Shanann. That's a petty reason to not show up for your kid.

Shanann tried to involve Chris' older sister in the wedding by having her send out invitations and discovered at the wedding that she hadn't sent them out, like any of them, at all. Now I haven't heard Chris' sisters side of things but the proof is in the pudding that none of the people Shanann wanted to come didn't come to her wedding and they all said that they didn't get an invitation. That seems pretty likely since none of Chris' family came to the wedding including his sister.

Considering the kind of person Chris is and the interviews and books that Cindy has participated in she's completely ugly inside.


Thank you for additional information. Neftlix documentary was incomplete.

And honestly - I cant blame Cindy Watts for thinking that way, We all know now about all those mommies with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Who make up illness for their children for attention. Shanann did look like she could be one.

After all - Shanann GAVE BIRTH to 2 children and was expecting third. And she loved attention. So much that she was filming her entire family it feels like daily. I actually wonder is Chris was fine with not having children and that why he married her. And then said she was cured and started bringing babies.

So - what happened to daughter after she was fed those horrendous nuts? Was she rushed to hospital? Or nothing happened? Did some one checked if child got sick?

This shows you a lot what kind of annoying person Shanann was that mother in law didnt even came to the wedding. I assume she was so bossy and unpleasant back there. His parents just saw her for what she was.

Even his sister disliked Shanann too? Jinx, there had to be a reason why those people disliked her. Netflix didnt show all videos but you can see Shananns personality in that video where she was side eyeing him for leaving phone at the garage. And it was very ugly demeanor and tone she did it with.


As I said above, absolutely nothing Shannen said or did was a factor in the murder, so there's no point in criticizing her or analyzing her actions.

She wasn't killed because of anything she did, she was killed because a sociopath knew that murdering her and the kids would be cheaper and more convenient than getting a divorce. She wasn't killed because of who she was, she was killed because she had become inconvenient to a stone-cold sociopath.


I don't know if i would say killing your wife is a better option than divorce. For one thing you not likely to get away with it. Not with modern technology.


If you say that, you are either not a stone-cold sociopath, or you're a sociopath who's smarter than Watts! Wasn't he stupid enough to conceal corpses at his own workplace?


Well i hope im not a sociopath.


We all do!

But Chris Watts seems to not only be a sociopath, but a really dumb sociopath.


On one hand i think Shanann was somewhat of self-absorbed person. On the other hand, Chris was self-absorbed sociopath who cared more about himself than his own children lives.


Strange criticism. She was talking about her marriage. That's not gossip.

She did seem to be pretty domineering. And she was involved in a pyramid scheme, but this doc didn't really get into that too much.

The way he went about this was pretty cold blooded and calculated. It didn't strike me as a crime of passion. He should have called a lawyer and moved on with his life, instead.
