Multi Level Marketing (MLM)
MLMs prey on depressed, down on their luck, needy people. They particularly seek out moms who just had a baby and are feeling down. They promise life changing benefits, a coveted lifestyle, and incredible wealth.
The reality is that most people lose money on MLMs. Expenses include the start up costs (starter kit and startup fees) and then there’s constant pressure to Reach advance levels of sales by purchasing large quantities of product that will be nearly impossible to unload (e.g. LuLaRoe).
People are recruited who don’t have any of the qualities necessary to succeed. But the recruiters don’t care, as long as they reach their quota of recruits. (e.g. Mary Kay sales people trying to earn their pink Cadillac). But the reality is that few people ever achieve that level of success.
At the time of her murder, Shanann was currently deep into LeVel/Thrive (the vitamin patches), but her facebook and other SM accounts show she had also been in Amway, ItWorks!, LulaRoe, Younique, Poonique, Thirty One, Origami Owl, and probably others, too.