MovieChat Forums > The Watch (2012) Discussion > the twist was ridiculously stupid.

the twist was ridiculously stupid.

I really don't get why movies need some kind of idiotic stupid twist to them.

What was the point of making the black guy into an alien? And why make him act like he was scared of the aliens. That really pissed me off so much.
I could understand the twist if he acted weird (Not Scared)
but they had him act afraid of the alien and they even had him be afraid of the Mailman. AND HE WAS ALONE...

I seriously hate twists like this. Not only does it ruin the movie for me but it just makes me mad that they think the audience are idiots or something. It made No Sense that he was an alien. a twist for the sake of a twist.
If they needed an alien they should have chosen someone else, maybe the neighbor wanted to help them or something.
I hate when a character will act afraid and scared and then all of the sudden they were secretly part of the bad guys. I hate that

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


they're only in it for the money


I don't really see it as a huge twist. Most twist endings in comedies don't have that wow factor i.e. The Sixth Sense. I think Jamarcus just needed a place in the end. Evan had his issues at home with his wife, Bob had his issues with his daughter and Franklin has his problems with the police and wanting to be a cop. Jamarcus was kinda left out in the cold to speak so making him an alien sorta gave his whole character an arc.


I understand what you are saying and If they needed him to be an alien. Okay, so be it.

What I hate is when the creature or person faking acts scared or like they are in danger.
I really really hate that. Not only in this movie, but in general with movies that pull off this crap. It makes me so mad.

the group of people will be running and acting really scared, they will be freaking out and fearing for their lives. And then the thing in disguise will act that way too. pisses me off.

If they needed to give him an arc at least they could have made him suspicious or just act natural.


I definitely here what you're saying and in all honesty I think this movie would have been great if they didn't go the alien route...If they just had this group of 4 guys doing the neighborhood watch thing and went a different route...The whole alien thing I think ruined the movie for a lot of people and as I said in another post, I totally get why so many people hate this movie, for whatever reason I am able to look past the bad writing/storyline/goofiness.


I suppose they had to find someway to raise the profile of his character who for 80% of the movie is as insubstantial as a shadow, barely doing or saying any thing. The twist brings him to the fore.


I don't understand your anger for this at all


Why would it annoy you that an alien in disguise pretends to be afraid? He's trying to fit in and fool the humans, remember?


because he did it with the Mailman going around his neighborhood when he was ALONE in seeing him

That was such a cheap shot, There was a montage of the guys being afraid, and you can clearly see the guy alien in disguise be afraid when he didn't have to be. There were other times when he acted afraid that didn't fit because only the audience would notice.

It almost felt like breaking the 4th wall. it was ridiculous


I find it really weird that this very little thing of a normal character acting "scared" or like they're "in danger" is what infuriates you.


Did this thread see the Sixth Sense be referred to as a comedy?


I don't see how it was a twist. Once they said "the aliens could be among us" and especially after the orgy scene I totally called that he was gonna be an alien, but I thought the reveal would be better than it was (the reveal was awful even though I knew it was coming)


His character - similar to everyone else in the film - was painfully underwritten, so they had to give his character a "thing". His "thing" was being part of the pointless twist. That way they hoped you'd walk away from the film saying, "Wow, they gave Richard Ayoade something to do!", not "What was Richard Ayoade doing in there?" or "Who the f--k is Richard Ayoade?"


I agree.

It almost felt to me more like it was not planned, and half way through the movie they came to the conclusion the character was rather boring, but no real idea what to do, so made him the alien on the spot.

Even the build up to it was pathetic.... "Hi Guys, I am a Alien by the way!".... fair enough having it as a twist, but there was no clues dropped to this up to that point and just felt like a cheap shot shoehorned into the movie to get it moving forward.


didnt alarm bells ring when he went toe to toe with the alien ? Who strangely didnt attack him on sight but paused and looked him up and down before A.S smashed the aliens head in


not really. good point, I might have to watch that again
