MovieChat Forums > Wake Wood (2011) Discussion > Wake Wood Succeeds where **SPOILER** ut...

Wake Wood Succeeds where **SPOILER** utterly failed

*******SPOILERS HERE*******

Okay, just watched this and what I saw a was a tight, streamlined version of Stephen King's Pet Sematary, which was a top-notch novel but was adapted into a cheese-filled pastry of a film. Wake Wood succeeds everywhere that that earlier film failed; it built up the suspense and layered on the horror in a way that ratcheted up the tension with each new atrocity. And when little Alice turns creepy, she truly turns creepy. Plus Spall turns in a nicely enigmatic, low key performance as the town's Top Shaman.

I liked the novel of Pet Sematary enough that the film version made me sick. Here's a film that does the story -- in both cases, a variation on W.W. Jacobs classic short tale; The Monkey's Paw, total justice. Nice going, guys. ~


I enjoyed the movie, too. I have to admit regarding Pet Sematary I disliked both the book and the film, but then again I'm not much of a Stephen King fan. Most of his books are just soap operas with horror tacked on, if ya ask me.

SPOILERS****There are a few points about Wake Wood which puzzle me. Where did the ritual come from? What causes the town to have such properties? Why only 3 days? Why is it okay if you're dead 364 days but not 366? What exactly is wrong with the daughter? None of these things is explained much. Of course non-disclosure can be very effective but I think a LITTLE more exposition would have helped. Tim Spall basically just seems to shrug his shoulders when asked...maybe I've missed something and need to see it again.

Don't cheese me off.I'm running out of places to hide the bodies.
