is this a indy film?
just curious...?
shareRobin Williams.. Mila Kunis.. Melissa Leo.. yep sure sounds indie.
Last seen:Place Beyond the Pines (9/10)
It appears to be an indie film as none of the production companies or distributors are "Hollywood".
Don't pay attention to the sarcastic, self appointed expert on film that also replied. He obviously isn't aware that A-List actors often work on independent projects. He isn't aware of many things!
consider it is coming through Magnet releasing? I'd say that's probably a yes. And from a director who has been on a 12 year old hiatus. Would that mean Sum of All Fears was his last film? Too bad actually, I was quite a fan. then again I would have kept watching Affleck as Ryan I always thought he could have grown into the role if they ever kept an actor for more than 2 movies.
If its an Indie (which it's not) movie, than it's got one hell of a budget with a cast like that.