Mr Robin William will always love and live on in the hearts that Loved him. Most of his movies were great and as The movie stated " He would live on in the hearts that Loved him".
One of my favorite parts of the movie
Officer- " Licence and registration please "
Robin Williams " I got this , tell him the truth ". Mila Kunis " This will be interesting "
Robin Williams " Officer, a little over an hour ago this cab hit my car and than I went to the hospital and Dr Gil told me I had a brain aneurism and that I had 90 minutes to live " and than I went to my office ..... So I go across the street to buy a video camera from a nice guy and he is a little bit Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, not the fastest salesman...... and when I came thru I jumped off the Brooklin Bridge .........weird. Huh".
You must see this part of the film, it will have you laughing out of your seat .
This movie touched my heart . Especially since we all know the end result in real life
My second favorite part . Robin Williams " what would you do if you know how long you had ? Dr Gil. " I would try figure out how to be happy . Robin Williams " Than why don't you ? ". Dr Gil. " Maybe I will ".
Spectacular movie and this movie reminded me of the verse. ". We all know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him , who have been called according to his purpose What , then shall we say in response to this ? If God IS FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US? Rom 8.
Mr Robin Williams will always live on in the hearts that Loved him.