I'd disagree, although I certainly think she still hasn't landed "the" role, to open our eyes to her talent.
In comedies, I think she just radiates -- 70's Show, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Friends With Benefits...she was damn good in all of those (damn sexy too, but that's besides the point).
Black Swan she was also very good in, but she was definitely taking a back seat to Portman. And then stuff like Oz, well...yeah, she was brutal in that, but also badly miscast and stuck in a terribly written role. Not much to blame her for there.
Long story short...I like her. Maybe I'm biased cause I think she's drop dead gorgeous, and have ever since I was in grade 7 and saw her in 70's Show, but I still think she's got more talent and acting chops than you give her credit for. Let's just wait until she finds the perfect role to utilize those in (judging from the trailer -- this one isn't it).