MovieChat Forums > Last Night (2011) Discussion > Alex - Joanna chemistry

Alex - Joanna chemistry

I rewatch this movie quite a bit and it is nearly singlehandedly due to the chemistry between the Alex and Joanna characters. Does anyone else feel the same?

I found myself thinking that Keira in her look just really goes with a French man - she has that poise and elegant look that just fit well with Canet's character. I just found myself wanting to replay their scenes as they were so sexy and cute together.

Acting wise I thought they were both great, some of the best work either had done. Especially keira as I haven't been that keen on her work set in present day.

That final scene where they kiss outside the hotel is really heartbreaking as they portrayal the anguish ad heart break of the characters so well.


I agree that it's heartbreaking in a way for the chemistry between Alex and Joanna to be denied. But at the same time, I feel a different (and much worse) kind of heartbreak at the very end of the movie when Joanna doesn't return Michael's "I love you."
He is attaching to her while she is detaching from him. And the upheaval of emotion which must occur directly after the scene cuts is difficult to contemplate.
As much as I love seeing Joanna and Alex together, I still pull for Joanna and Michael. My hope is that through the trauma that ensues, they also find that level of passion.



But he still cheated on her. She was careful not to reach out to Alex in a physical way. I think Michael was acting out of guilt and wanting to right his wrong and nothing more. I don't think he was trying to attach to her.


Yeah, but that touches a very complicated theme that's been asked on another topic...
What's worse? To betray your companion with someone else because of physical attraction, or to love someone else other than your companion and restrain yourself from acting upon it?
He had a "carnal need", but regretted it and went back to his wife.
I'm not sure Joana will stay with Michael, even if nothing carnal happened with Alex.


I think it's heartbreaking Joanna is such an idiot.

Alex IGNORED her when they WERE a couple in Paris those years ago - which is WHY Joanna left him - and guess what? He didn't even bother trying to get her back. Just went on screwing other women because he is SUCH a hunk.

So now they have this "great chemistry" because Joanna has been pining for him and married poor Michael as her "rebound" punching bag.

I just felt so sorry for Michael. He should dump Joanna and hopefully will - as her lies will eventually bring the truth out ("why are your high heels out?" "I spent the night necking with the TRUE "love of my life" but nothing happened!")


Their undeniable chemistry and spark is the only reason I kept watching this movie. They were totally head over heels in love but it was so passionate, it makes you wonder if it could last for the long haul. That kind of magic is hard to find with someone so I found myself wanting them to leave their partners and pursue a relationship. It was completely complicated and realistic.


Having watched it almost 5-7 times so far, I came on to comment about their chemistry! Each time I watch them, its more heart breaking. I also agree that their physical chemistry, they just seem like the right fit. I think the scene where Alex is in the air port looking through old photos, and we see segments of Joanna, how he saw her through his eyes ---eh the rush of nostalgia gives me chills, totally something I can relate to...


And how he left a tear roll down without wanting to it was heart touching ..



no you have a terrible taste.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


Absolutely. Beautiful performances by Knightley and Canet - though Tadjedin evokes good work from Worthington and Mendes too. But the natural chemistry between Knightley and Canet is sizzling.

Such an underrated film.
