Have you see in ?

How was it ?


Most like it and consider more up to date and fresh vs the original. It’s also double the horror as it’s not just one girl but two possessed children.

It’s expected to beat Barbie at the BO and reach $1B including foreign lands.


You had me going until that last line. Well played.


Do you think it will surpass The Expendables in BO?


Making a direct sequel after 50 years, with Ellen Burstyn reprising her role, and the critics hating it does sound really sucks. But as a movie itself, it's honestly not a bad movie at all.

I found the cast pretty solid, and I thought the performances by the two young actresses when they were possessed were actually the very best thing about the movie. They were both excellent in it and what I liked was that one girl reminded me of Regan. The prosthetic work and makeup making them look gross were also pretty effective. I liked how the movie created a chilling atmosphere, and I think the visuals and settings did well and suited the movie.

I thought the movie did really well until Ellen Burstyn appeared in it an hour in. I mean, she absolutely looks fabulous at 90, but they completely did her dirty and ruined her character in the movie. Burstyn reprising her role made the script really dull, and it just seems like they used her to connect with the original movie so badly. What a wasted character that's been known for 50 years.

When Burstyn appeared, the directing started taking some weird turns that almost made me lose interest, but the final act was entertaining and had good action because of the terrific performances by the two young actresses.

I hate to admit that David Gordon Green ruined another horror franchise, but the movie wasn't anything terrible. What should have been better is that it was made as a standalone film rather than a pointless direct sequel to the classic film The Exorcist. If you enjoyed Halloween Kills or Halloween Ends in a trashy way, you might enjoy this too.


