Some seriously harsh reviews

I dont get all the hate. Its good fun and really easy watching. Megan fox is annoying as hell sure, but other than that its decent. I'd prefer to watch this again than most superhero films that have come out the last few years. I mean at the very least its better than amazing spiderman films. I dont understand people who give this a 1, your really saying this film is as bad as a film can possibly be? Because im sure you'd prefer to watch this than some of the inevitable *beep* thats in your dvd collection


If you don't get the hate, that's good, just shows that you really enjoyed it.

I didn't like a single thing about this movie. I didn't like the action, I didn't like the humour, I didn't like the concept designs, I didn't like the story, I didn't like a single character. This is one of the only times I watched any sort of comic book movie and didn't crack a smile even once (I would have smiled during the elevator scene had I not seen it in the trailer a few times before, but that's it).

I don't feel that way about anything in my dvd collection.

I'm sure there are plenty of worse films, but I gave this movie a 1 not based on how bad the movie is technically (I wouldn't know, I don't know the first thing about technical cinema) but how I felt watching it. It was hard work to get through for me and it was only 90 odd minutes.


It was better than both Amazing Spider-Man films easily, this one was actually fun and had the decency of not being a 2 and a half hour bloated hodgepodge of scenes.
