My Nephew loves TMNT, question...

It's his 6th birthday today and I ordered the DVD off Amazon which came today and I didn't realise this film has a UK film rating of 12.

Will this film be ok for a 6 year old? He watches the new computer animated cartoon which isnt all the violent but as this is a live action I feel might be slightly too much?

Look what happened to my Good Intention


Yeah, it's fine for children. The violence is stylized and not too extreme. There are a small amount of innuendos, but they'll likely go over your nephew's head, but for the most part it's harmless enough for a child that age.

Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....


I took my 6 year old Daughter to the cinema to see it and She was fine, I'm in the UK too.

She enjoyed it and has since watched it a few times on DVD.


I took my Nephew to see this when he was 4 years old for my Birthday when it came out in theaters. Only issue was they didn't have enough of the Turtles on screen for him so he got restless. But overall enjoyed the movie.

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