...ruining franchises like TMNT, Terminator, Jurassic and Transformers with your *beep* for-the-masses reboots that earn heaps of money, but have very little skill behind them.

If you are going to focus on profits, because you're a company, hire a Duncan Jones, Brad Bird, Rian Johnson, Neil Burger or half-decent director that puts love into their reboots.

Take what you did with Star Trek for example. Whilst some opinion may differ, others felt that the reboot was a fantastic film- rather then a cash grab, and that is due to getting a JJ Abrams with Mission Impossible III under his belt.

Getting someone like Jonathan Liebesman, whose Battle Los Angeles was actually the most disappointing thing I'd seen that year (2011) and I watch a fair amount of films. This guy seems exactly like the type that Michael Bay would seek out despite the turd that was Battle LA and things like Wrath of the Titans don't seem too enticing either.

Look, all I'm asking out of the studios is for good films. They hardly make original material anymore, instead exploiting the success behind superhero films and rom coms. If you're going to make a TNMT film, put a skilled team behind it, rather then exploiting for cheap money and like this TNMT movie did to me, ruin my faith in Hollywood making anything decent in the 21st century.

Disappointing plot, completely unbelievable and really stupid ending and incredibly cheesy. 3/10

Time is a flat circle


I've seen everybody bitch about this movie, so I will say this once... It's called TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES. The franchise isn't to be taken seriously.

The movie was fine.


Will someone please explain me to me why people keep asking for movies made based on comics to be Oscar worthy? I don't get that thought process. Comics while covering morality issues are inherently tongue in cheek. It's supposed to be entertaining not necessarily thought provoking. Now if you are intelligent enough to pick out the morality lesson while enjoying the funny then great but if you aren't don't blame your lack of comprehension on the movie


Ok so tell me one really memorable moment from this film... I can think of numerous ones from the original live action film, but none from this (and I just finished watching the dang thing).


The beatbox scene in the elevator.

A boat that floats on water can also sink in it.
