MovieChat Forums > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) Discussion > How does Splinter know who Shredder is?

How does Splinter know who Shredder is?

How does Splinter know who Shredder is? I was thinking about this and it occurred to me that Splinter and the 4 turtles have been in the sewer for all their lives and before then were in the science lab until the fire, so how would Splinter know him if they never ran into one another?

Splinter knows that Sacks is working with Shredder, how? How would he know that? Nothing is given to make us think/believe how Splinter would know this. And sacks back-story as well. Explain please.

"Not everything, not yet" - Christian Bale/Batman


To answer your question: Yes he knows.


Sachs SHOULD have been Shredder. Stupid squealing fanboys obsessed with Shredder being asian forced this rubbish version of a shredder character.


Without the real fans you wouldn't even have this sh!tty movie so STFU

What's best in life ?


"Real fans" who are so obsessed whether a character is asian or not? Jesus christ grow up. Fichtner is a great actor and could have been a badass Shredder. Instead we got a blank faced asian guy.

Fichtner and Shredder was the least of this movies problems.


You know, I agree. I'm a diehard fan, grew up with the turtles, and not even I gave a *beep* of shredder was asian. What kind of nitpicking crap is that? It's not like they hadn't already taken enough liberties with it


You're not supposed to think too hard about it.


How did Splinter know all about the Foot Clan and their relationship to Shredder?

How did Splinter get the 99 cheese pizza?

How did Splinter learn to read?

There were more of these questions when I was watching the movie last night, but now I can't think of any more.


Splinter knows that Sacks is working with Shredder, how? How would he know that? Nothing is given to make us think/believe how Splinter would know this. And sacks back-story as well. Explain please.

Splinter explains to April that in the lab her father tried destroying everything after learning about Sacks working with Shredder to make that poison/cure. It's implied that Splinter heard April's father argue with Sacks OR heard Sacks himself talk about it (over the phone, who knows?). Hell, maybe Shredder visited Sacks in the lab and Splinter saw him. Could be anything.

They don't have to shoot every scene to explain everything. It's implied in the scenes and dialogue already how he knew about Shredder.
