MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters (2016) Discussion > If a feminist asks for your name

If a feminist asks for your name

You say - Moe Lester or Mo Lester

Then, if she gets all triggered explain that Mo stands for Mohammed Lester and she's committing Islamophobia. lol



There there. Mr. Hugh Mungus will make you feel safe.



How is what he said sexist against women?



Making jokes out of rape and sexual harassment is rape culture.

You are mental.

Do you want to know what's rape culture?



Definition of harassment:

harassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks.

Saying a name is not sexual harassment. Saying hello is not sexual harassment. Telling a joke is not sexual harassment. There is such a thing as black humour, look it up.

You're just crazy.


Haven't you heard? EVERYTHING is sexual harassment. And feminists are too dumb to understand that when they throw that word on everything, REAL incidents of it are meaningless and lost in the discourse.



Shh, kitten, men talking.



This is why all comedys now amount to d*ck and fart jokes. The infallible PC and Feminist dictators have sapped all the content about which comedy can now be written and as a result what we have is a humorless wasteland of unfunny films like Ghostbusters. I predict movies will soon start having to use canned laughter.

John Hancock


Moe Lester is just a name. If you take offence to it that your own problem but isn't sexual harassment. Clearly you don't know what sexual harassment really is.



He didn't make any jokes about rape.

And this isn't sexual harassment.

You are delusional.



That's not an answer to my question.
How is what he said sexist against women?
I want details, not empty rhetoric.



It's funny because feminists get triggered by literally anything and will cry "sexual harassment" at anything. Just like you're doing it now.

Clearly, you have no idea what sexual harassment is as you've never been an actual victim of it. "Moe Lester" or "Hugh Mungus" is not sexual harassment.

This is sexual harassment: so next time you try to cry "ah, he's sexually harassing me" have respect for the women who actually go through that and don't misuse it. You're devaluing the power that the word has, just as the many SJWs who scream "racist this, racist that" even though it's not racism.

Internet has become the childcare centre of people like you.



*sigh* I asked for details and specifically said no empty rhetoric.

You failed to do so.

You'll need to be able to back up your insinuation that molestation is a crime perpetuated purely on "women", you will need to back up the insinuation that no males have ever been molested in order for this to be a gendered issue that is sexist against "women". If you cannot then your claim of sexism against "women"' (i'm quoting it for a reason. i'll get to that in a second) itself becomes sexism against males.

Interesting to note that you're also potentially being ageist, the biggest group of humans at risk of molestation are children, yet your claims are specifically about women, negating not only boys, but girls too.

So there you have it, something for you to chew on, I really hope you can answer with something a little more indepth than a google search.



Which male relative touched you to make you this enraged at an entire gender? You didn't just 'turn out' this way, something clearly happened...



Knew it 



There is no rape culture in the west outside of the prison system. You want an actual rape culture? Go over to Somalia, Afghanistan, Iran, or Saudi Arabia where women are brutally executed for being the victim and your virtue signaling counts for nothing. Anyone who claims a rape culture exists in the western world in light of such facts is subhuman garbage.

Feminism is cancer.



He's more right than you are, the term 'rape culture' originates from a description of the state of the US Prison system.


I'm already well-versed in sophistry of your ilk. We do not live in a culture that encourages or normalizes rape or shames the victims into silence. Men have their lives instantaneously and irreparably ruined over the mere accusation before seeing a day in court. Even President Obama is peddling the exaggerated statistic of 1 in 4 girls being sexually assaulted on college campuses. Victims have an abundance of support and resources on their side, and the nonsense you peddle isn't doing them any favors.

Feminism is cancer.



Rape victims often get asked "why were you wearing that? What did you think would happen? Why did you drink so much?"

People do the exact same thing if someone gets murdered, violently assaulted, robbed, or victimized in any number of ways. This is far from exclusive to rape. If someone leaves their car unlocked in a bad neighborhood, it's common knowledge that they don't deserve to get it stolen, but they'll still face an onslaught of questions about why they weren't more careful.

Making jokes out of rape is also rape culture.

People are allowed to joke about absolutely anything. It just depends on what the exaggeration is. There have been successful stand-up comics who have successfully joked about genocide, war, disease, famine, racism, and child abuse. No topic is off limits in the realm of comedy, especially since comedy form is a mechanism that helps many people heal from these devastating experiences. Why else would it be referred to as tragedy plus time?

a rich boy attending Stanford got sentenced to less than a year for raping an unconscious woman.

That's not rape culture, that's another case of the wealthy getting separate judicial treatment from the common man. It's the same reason why Fortune 500 CEO's are able to evade taxes and break tons of other laws without ever getting charged. If Brock Turner came from a less socioeconomically privileged background, he'd be serving at least a decade behind bars. Besides, his life and reputation are irreparably ruined, he's not going back to Stanford or any other decent college, and he'll have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. He didn't exactly get away with it.

Feminism is cancer.


I'm not sexist, but you sure as all *beep* are.

And you're a toxic mix of arrogant and stupid as well, which I probably find more offensive.


I am trying to help you understand what rape culture is.

Rape culture is the false and misandric notion that rape is acceptable and encouraged as an integral part of our culture.

It's something that if true would mean we'd never see young men's lives being completely ruined at the mere accusation of rape, in fact they'd be celebrated and we'd know they were rapists because they'd know they can happily admit to it without a single negative repercussion. Something that if true would mean heroic characters played in Hollywood movies would be rapists and still seen as heroes. Most Importantly something that if true would mean that rape simply would not be a crime.

As I pointed out, rape culture is the normalization of sexual violence.

There's only one group where such a thing is normalised, and the OP used it as the punchline of the joke. It's really quite a scathing punchline too as it's the one patriarchal group of men that feminists like yourself have astonishingly chosen to defend.

Men, women, and children can all be molested, but in this particular case it's about trying to "trigger" a woman by teasing her about molestation

Incorrect, The OP's joke isn't just said to any woman, she also has to be a feminist. In fact the joke actually works on male feminists too as it's based upon their faulty ideology and not their gender.

This joke isn't aimed at a child, or a man, it's aimed at a "she".

Again, specifically an individual feminist.

This joke is being sexist to women.

This is your very next sentence and it directly contradicts the one right before it. It's not a joke aimed at all women, you yourself typed 'a "she"', therefore it cannot be sexist towards all women. Women do not possess a hive-mind and the joke was aimed at an individual.

Do men normally tease each other about molestation like this?

Yes, we joke about everything.

Would men make jokes about introducing themselves as "moe lester" to each other?

Yes, it's something so prevalent there's actually a name for it: Dad humour.

Very doubtful.

How long have you been a man for again?

Men are always trying to use matters of sexuality to intimidate women and make them uncomfortable.

This is outright misandry. You are making a claim of *all* men and stating that they *always* do it. You need to provide proof for such an outrageous claim.

That's the point of telling a "joke" like this.

No, the point is to laugh at feminists like yourself who think it's somehow a part of some massive worldwide conspiracy that every man on the planet takes part in. We're laughing at you in the same way we laugh at David Icke.

In conclusion; not only have you failed to show how the joke is sexist towards women, I have shown how your reasoning is sexist towards men.




Rape culture: "It was designed to show the ways in which society blamed victims of sexual assault and normalized male sexual violence"

Then you need a far better name for it, the name "rape culture" naturally means something much worse.

This absolutely happens. Often times when a woman is raped her behaviour is analyzed and picked apart. What was she wearing? How much did she drink? why was she there? This is placing blame on her.

Incorrect, understanding the exact circumstances of the incident is not placing blame.

THAT is what rape culture is.

Then even your own definition is based solely on misandry.

Making rape jokes is also part of rape culture. Joking about it downplays the seriousness of it, in other words, normalizes it.

Also incorrect, jokes are used to take the edge off things. It's an important recovery tool that people who undergo these incidents themselves find useful. You would deny them that important tool of recovery.

If someone can casually joke about something so disturbing then it is most certainly normalized.

No it mustn't and you've provided no proof that it is.

I pointed out that the word "she" was used, not HE.

Disingenuous, you said 'a "she". Also some context is required, the reason he used "she" is because of the 'Hugh Mungus' incident where a feminist went so feral at the joke that she had to be escorted from the premises by security.

In this case, a FEMALE feminist as specified in the OP. So, a woman.

And again, not all women.

I just did a search on "dad humour" and it seems that it is all about making fun of men (father's in particular) for trying to be funny, but failing. I didn't see anything about men using sexual jokes to piss each other off.

Yes, bad humour. It's used often.

No, it isn't. It has happened on this very board several times. You choosing to turn a blind eye to it is not my problem.

Again, your claim is all men all the time. it would need to have happened not just several times but in every incident, you would need to have no male feminist allies at all for this claim to even begin to reach any type of truthfulness.

No, that's not what we think.

That's irrelevant, you're not the one making the joke.

What we think is that men are just oblivious to things that make many women very uncomfortable, and we are speaking out about it.

"uncomfortable"? If that's your issue then you need to seek psychological help and medication because it appears you suffer from an anxiety disorder. Rape is just a touch worse than "uncomfortable".

You think rape jokes are harmless, you think rape culture is nonexistent, but as the privileged group you just can't see that these things are degrading.

And as a privileged group you're able to think that of men and are provided with a massive platform to spew such misandric hatred.

You know where you won't get such a platform? Islam. If you tried spouting this *beep* in the Middle East they'd rape you until you couldn't feel anymore then they'd cut your *beep* head from your shoulders and laugh. They'd even record it and they'd happily send that recording out to anyone who'll take it.

But hey, you go ahead and defend that.

You're not a woman, you're not the one that has ever been considered inferior by society solely due to your sex, so it's easy for you to brush it off.

I've been considered inferior due to my sex by every feminist, yourself included.

It's the same reason white people deny white privilege: they don't pick up on the little things that the marginalized group does. You ever notice how some people don't realize they are being jerks, but everyone else around them does? Yeah. People tend to be oblivious to their own behavior and advantages.

Ahh yes, allow me to play a micro-violin for those suffering micro-aggressions. I deal with actual aggressions as a part of my job, I'm currently nursing a dislocated shoulder because of them, this not long after a broken foot, which in turn wasn't long after a broken wrist. That's not even all of it, I've long since stopped counting the cuts and bruises.

If you're biggest problem is someone saying something you don't like then you live one hell of a privileged life.

So again, you've spouted a bunch of easily debunked BS that only further shows how sexist you are towards men. You're really gonna have to try harder if you want pity from someone who values facts.


all the men were claiming sexism against women was non existent.

All men? Where did you dig up that one from?

Men in Muslim countries treat women like objects so, no.

I'm glad you guys are being more honest about your true natures now

You can't take a joke. That's okay, Uptight.


What does the word feminist mean to you?


I'm female and I found this funny. You feminists are ruining my attempts to promote booby, willy and fart jokes and I'm sick of it. If I hadn't had 7 cans of beer and a bottle of wine today I'd do something about it.



Pork *beep* Sounds like Ruiner


I don't get it

Don't give up the fight for truly independent cinema!


Of course you don't - it doesn't have a high fat content you pig 


I would just say, "No."

Then walk away.

There's no way I would spend any more time than absolutely necessary in the presence of a third-wave feminist. In fact, the moment anyone says, "I'm a feminist" I just walk away if I can. If I can't, I put on my face of polite but vacant interest and immediately start thinking about other things worth my time, interjecting the occasional nod, agreement, or general platitude until I can leave their presence.


This is brilliant lol I'm sure she'd understand, muslims treat women so well after all


And gays too. And non-Muslims too.


 It's almost as if you're saying there's a long lists of people and types of people they're extremely intolerant of...hmmm...


I would introduce myself as Dick Moore. Then, I would calmly ask her to stop looking at my genitals. It is infringing on my personal space.

Digital life is vastly more entertaining when people imagine the taste of your backside.


My name is Anita Sandwich.
