Females who hate this movie?
Me ๐
Loved The Heat
Loved Spy
Loved Brides Maids
Loved Ghostbusters 1 & 2
Hated this.
But I'm female so does that make me a female hater cause I hate this? Lol
Me ๐
Loved The Heat
Loved Spy
Loved Brides Maids
Loved Ghostbusters 1 & 2
Hated this.
But I'm female so does that make me a female hater cause I hate this? Lol
Yes, me and my friends all went to this opening day. We are all in our late 20s. We all hated it.
The film is just bad. Low brow jokes, poor writing, sloppy editing, jarring tone that was grating. And lastly, we all found the movie extremely sexist and uncomfortable. I said this in other threads, but basically the film comes off as "combative" towards a single gender. And while we aren't Men, it still made us feel uncomfortable. Mostly because it made the tone of the film come off as combative towards the audience. Our theater also had a ton of Males in it, so it was really weird.
In case anyone asks why I think the film is super sexist, these are some reasons I posted in another thread:
* All the men in the film are portrayed as stupid, ignorant, incompetent and are major *beep*
* The Male sectary is hired purely for eye candy, and the female crew ogles and sexually objectifies him. He's also dumb as rocks (big surprise).
* They defeat one of the last ghosts, by shooting him in the male genitalia (and then make it about women beating men by going after their genitals).
* The main villain is a stereotypical anti-social gamer, that hates women (he's not done well at all, and comes off as antagonistiv writing).
That's just what I can remember off the top of my head. But the majority of the film lambasts the male gender, and comes off extremely combative towards them. And even though I'm not a Man, it made the film have a very off putting tone.
Anyone woman should as themselves: Would women be okay with Men doing that to them? Everything I said above (the bullet points), would women be alright if the genders were reversed, and the film spend a large portion singling out their gender, and breaking it down?
No. Absolutely not. I know me and my friends, certainly would not be okay with that. And hell, Critics and social groups would have lost their *beep* if a 2016 film had this kind of writing. They would have accused the creators of being sexist, and would have condemned the films content.
So yeah, count 5 women here (me and my friends) that did not like this movie either. Also as far as this being a film that empowers women, we didn't feel it was empowering at all. The movie basically used low brow/crass jokes, but because it's women it's funny? Except even if it was Men making *beep* jokes, it would also not be funny. But I guess it being women, they thought that was progressive.
It was just grating. And all the low hanging fruit Male bashing, was at its best pandering, at its worst uncomfortably unfunny and really sexist.
Honestly, I don't even think this film should be about Gender. On the one hand, it's really cool to see a beloved franchise like Ghostbuster, to have female lead roles. As a longtime Ghostbusters fan, I was actually really excited because of this (although I would have preferred a mixed gender cast if it had to be a reboot). But I was still excited.
I expected this film to just be a GOOD GHOSTBUSTERS film, and the characters being women wouldn't have mattered.
Instead what we got was an extremely sloppy and low brow/unfunny Ghostbusters film + the film constantly bashing Males and trying to tell us we should be empowered. What a trainwreck of a film.
Excellent reply! I felt the exact same way about everything you said! I came back thinking "what the hell kind of problem do these people have with men?"
And with all the feminists going around screaming "woman hater!" I found myself wondering what they would call me lol
Most females with a level head and neutral mindset know this movie is not good . The ones that are unbiased and aren't supporting the made up sexist agenda and who call it like they really see it, they know it's not a quality film. It's really a quick money grab with no respect to the Ghostbusters license and the films that came before it. It's a wannabe slap stick comedy instead of anything remotely resembling a movie with a nice balance of serious tones/horror/comedy... a true insult to anyone that is halfway intelligent. Watch some of the female reviews on youtube, they say exactly what a lot of us here are and that it's truly a pile of sh!t and not funny at all.
shareAmen. Smart people figured out long ago this whole thing as nothing more than a soulless cash-grab that had nothing to do with feminism at all. Idiots are the ones who fell for the media and SONY's bait...
BOX OFFICE THREAD: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1289401/board/thread/259549076?p=1
You can't form a sentence without propping it up on a bevy of buzzwords can you...? ๎
Actually, I think the movie is more insulting towards women, because it suggests that THIS is what women want to see. Paul Feig even thinks he's done women a favor, that it was empowering and all that.
share"Paul Feig even thinks he's done women a favor, that it was empowering and all that. "
That's the sad part...
That's a fair point.
While I still think the film is extremely sexist towards Males (again, it's combative towards the audience)...the film made us really uncomfortable, because it expects you to feel "empowered" about what they are doing.
So as you said, there is many parts in the film where they set up these moments where the women are really sexist, and expect you to feel empowered by their actions. Or where the movie uses low hanging fruit pandering.
Basically, no one wins here. Film is bad for everyone. But because the film focuses on being an empowering thing for Women, it sets up a lot of terrible things that are definitely not empowering, but tries to pass it off as so. And you are right, I think at its core, this is also why me and my group of friends felt uncomfortable.
While I still think the film is extremely sexist towards Males (again, it's combative towards the audience)...the film made us really uncomfortable, because it expects you to feel "empowered" about what they are doing.
Do you believe Janine in both films of GBs and the animated shows is an example of a good female GB character? she is a character who is one of beauty and brains who can help sometimes as she has brains unlike the airheaded female GBs who don't act like scientists in this abortion of a remake? Kyle from Extreme Ghostbusters is another fine example of a good female GB who has smarts too and doesn't do empowering stuff.
"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"
You know, I did not feel empowered when they put down guys. I felt what they did was petty.
Working Girl with Melanie Griffith was an empowering movie, not because it was a woman trying to compete in a man's world. It was about a woman rising up despite all the obstacles that were put in front of her (one of the biggest being her douche-y boss portrayed by Sigourney Weaver).
My God, you echo my sentiment. That's right. I don't feel good ever to see boys failing. I don't want to tear down boys just so girls could succeed. That's just petty.
Now it's official. Sony paid critics for the great views!
shareSHOCKER!! ๎
BOX OFFICE THREAD: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1289401/board/thread/259549076?p=1
Wouldn't it have been nice to have Sigorney Weaver start up a Ghostbusting crew of her own?
I mean, she can kick Alien... uhm.. do xenomorphs have butts? ... Whatever! It would have been awesome to see her leading a new group after the original Ghostbusters retire or get defeated by a super-ghost or demon or whatnot.
Alas, we get the Adam Sandler-esque version of Ghostbusters instead.
Woo hoo a smart lady who knows how bad this movie is and how poorly written it is
"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"
To alisonrbie: ๎ง๎ง๎ง
BOX OFFICE THREAD: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1289401/board/thread/259549076?p=1
I'm a female who hasn't even seen and dislike it already. I was open-minded to it when I didn't think they were supposed to be the originals. As if having female Ghostbusters wasn't already a gimmick the reboot idea just totally blew it.
shareI had originally thought they were going to have the original Ghostbusters sorta hire these girls and pass the torch to them but then I saw this garbage... They couldn't even have the cameos play their real characters...
shareHaven't watched it, don't plan to. If their idea of female empowerment is ending the movie by blasting the ghosts dick off and treating men like crap, then I'm out.
Honestly, I wouldnt have watched a dumb reboot no matter who was staring in it, men or women.
"When life presents you with lemons, squeeze out the juice and squirt it in your enemies eyes."
Everything surrounding this film has been terrible. You have extremist on one side that are sexist. You have extremist on the other side, screaming that the film is so progressive, and that if you don't like it -- you are sexist. A good example of this is James Rolfe. He said he wasn't going to see the film at all, because it had no tie ins to the originals, and didn't look good. Even if you disagree with his points, he was calm/collected and totally reasonable. Then you had professional critics writing articles calling him names, and even going after his wife. PROFESSIONAL CRITICS personally attacking someone, and going after his wife. You had social groups foaming at the mouth, screaming he's a sexist pig, and harassing him.
And what was a big let down for me, was how the film itself ended up being what was actually sexist (and yet, the same people screaming their heads off accusing everyone of being sexist are quiet -- when the film ends up actually being what is really sexist).
Like I said, if you are a woman that is seeing this film, ask yourself if you would be okay with Males doing the same thing to your gender? If you would be okay with a Ghostbusters film in 2016, where the Male crew hires a Sexy female secretary purely so they can ogle her and sexually objectify her. Oh and she's dumb as rocks (In comparison, the original had a smart/snappy Secretary that constantly butted head with the Ghosbuster crew. She was not hired so they could ogle her).
Or if you would be okay with the film spending a large portion singling out your gender, and lambasting it at every chance (while pumping up Males). You can argue all you want about past films (or even current films), still having sexist qualities to them. But this film is overtly sexist and combative towards a single gender, and it's not even a clever "satire". It's just straight up - Bashing Males = progressive. Women doing sexist things to Men = funny/progressive.
The film really doesn't let up on this either. It's almost like they expect the audience to feel empowered. Like they expect us to go, oh it's making fun of Men, so that's empowering. But it honestly just made us cringe, and feel uncomfortable.
Maybe it's because as a woman, we deal with sexism thrown our way quite a bit. Maybe I'm just more sensitive to it. Maybe most Men won't be offended by this. But I really thought the film was in poor taste. And even if you ignore the whole sexist debate of it, a film being combative with its audience, is completely off putting.
Also gender stuff aside, this film was just bad IMO. Like I said, low brow/crass humor (that basically relies on -- oh it's women saying it, so its' funny). Sloppy editing. A grating tone. Poor writing overall. It's just a bad film. The sexist/gender stuff was just another layer to its awfulness.
To sum it up, this isn't really a film for Woman. It's not empowering. It's just a really low brow/poorly executed comedy. The only thing related to gender, is how much it focuses on bashing Males.
Females who hate this movie?
Just goes to show even such women are knowing better movies and know this movie was a mess and just wasn't made right.
The pacing of the movie could not been better and the chemistry and story should of been improved.
BOX OFFICE THREAD: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1289401/board/thread/259549076?p=1
But I'm female so does that make me a female hater cause I hate this?
They call it Internalised Misogyny. Apparently women are so weak minded that if they're not feminazis, there they've been brainwashed by the Patriarchy Bogeyman.
I don't give a f*@K about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.