MovieChat Forums > Pintu Terlarang (2009) Discussion > What's up with Indonesian language?

What's up with Indonesian language?

why is it littered with English words and sentences?



indonesian are poor, they can't come up with better words..
especially upper class citizen, they tend to use english to show how well they've been educated..


i guesstimated the same reason actually



Actually it's because of the country's close relationship with English speaking countries, such as Singapore and Australia. Also every student is taught English in school, so bumping it into sentences is kind of normal. And it's kind of a popular thing to do in all Asian countries, to make you seem cooler than you are.


Hey guys

this explanation how they are poor and want to show that they are educated is a most ignorant explanation I have heard in a long time. I am guessing you are both americans who think that world revolve around the USA, but in fact you are the ones who are uneducated otherwise you would have known that half of the world was colonized by British few centuries ago and that includes Indonesia as well. That is the origin of the English words there. I also learn English in school but we do not use English words on the street. Dudes, have a history book read once in a while that concerns rest of the world!


well, actually the second poster got it right, somewhat.
Indonesian language have a limited vocabulary. Thus the upper middle/upper class who are infested by multitude of English language products, tend to use a word of two of English to express themselves.
However the reason is not to show they higher education or to look cool. They just simply too lazy to find the Indonesian word for it, and/or sometimes the Indonesian equivalent for the English word is too long.

OMG, I love Volume Blessing!!


Not only that, the language itself is so awful I couldn't even pass the first 10 minutes. My god, is like an annoying kid trying to invent a language with 4 letters each word. No musicality, softness or a mixture of low and high keys. It really felt like bricks been thrown at my ears. Horrible language.


Not only that, the language itself is so awful I couldn't even pass the first 10 minutes. My god, is like an annoying kid trying to invent a language with 4 letters each word. No musicality, softness or a mixture of low and high keys. It really felt like bricks been thrown at my ears. Horrible language.
