You're not describing the Evil Dead remake, are you? You're describing Rob Zombie's Halloween. Let's look at the things you listed:
The problem with this film is the world-building is extremely poor and the characters are not strong enough to make up for any of it. Instead it relies on graphic violence.
It throws away logic for coolness and graphic deaths all while taking itself so seriously.
You were watching the
remake of Evil Dead, right? I have no idea how you took it so seriously, because the film doesn't even take itself seriously. The gore isn't really that realistic; and it isn't supposed to be. Like when that girl sawed off her arm to prevent the disease from spreading? You can clearly tell that there is a prosthetic arm attached to hers, and the camera keeps rolling as if you didn't notice. It's that level of self-awareness that makes this film enjoyable. You might say that it's a goof, but then you're also ignoring the less obvious in-your-face moments like earlier in the film when she's sawing the meat with the electric knife, and the camera
zooms in impossibly close on the meat as she's doing it. Like, the director knows that they need to show the knife to incorporate it later, but he also knows that horror films do it all the time, so he over exaggerates it to point out
how fĂșcking stupid it is. You didn't sit there when the abomination was crawling towards Mia, when it says "
I am going to feast on your soul!!", and take it absolutely serious, did you? C'mon. In no way does the remake take itself seriously. That's why it's enormously entertaining.
"Flies Are Waiting."