SG-1 Season 8 finale

As I understand that the timeline they started in very first episode don't exist technically because SG-1 changed timeline.

And thanks to alternate timeline there was possible to defend Atlantis with ZPM.

But If you consider SG-1's original timeline, Atlantis was probably destroyed.

And then Icarus mission in original timeline. Is it possible that they managed to pull-it-up this mission or this only happened because Atlantis survived in second alternate timeline?


Could you rephrase your message?

Here's what happens....

Timeline 1 (technically with other timelines in it):
From Stargate (1994 movie) through Stargate SG-1's Moebius.

Time line 2:
The events of the Moebius storyline (e.g., Jackson as an ESL teacher).

Time line 3 (technically with other timelines in it:
The events after the Moebius storyline.


Could you rephrase your message?

Well, I try.

If they could stuck with original 1st timeline, I think there's possible that Atlantis Expedition couldn't defend Atlantis from Wraith attack because they didn't have ZPM.

And that means Atlantis was destroyed. And as they key of the ninth chevron found after the wraith attack, the Icarus project didn't happend.


Without the events that led to getting that ZPM, perhaps. Although, there's no telling what would've happened in place of those events. The 9th chevron idea was Zelenka's (deleted scene), either he or someone else still could have come up with the idea. What-if scenarios open up if-then outcomes. There's no way to know what would've happened had events happened another way.
