MovieChat Forums > Stargate Universe (2009) Discussion > simply awful...on all fronts.

simply awful...on all fronts.

why Stargate:Atlantis was cancelled to make way for this abortion is beyond had no redeeming features at all.a ropey set up,dire casting,trying to emulate Battlestar Galactica with it`s reportage camerawork,lack of humour was just a huge mistake.those stupid body swap communication stones were bad enough in Stargate SG-1 but here,they were used to the ultimate limit....i`m surprised it lasted one season let alone two..........dreadful stuff,avoid at all costs.



Funny what you did there - describing your post in the title. Does everybody on the IMDB boards skip basic english?


Despite of all nay-sayers in the answers to this post, you are right IMHO.
I tried to like this, yet it was horrible pretentious without any base.
Yet again: cringeworthy and shoddy shaky cam, cliché emo last 5 minute music and lazy writing.
The only redeeming thing about this series was the set design and some actors, namely the professor (even if the character he played was hard to like).
SG-1 in comparison was cheaper and campier in it's production, yet it had one important thing: it had heart and wit.


The only thing "cheaper and campier" that I can see is this post. Burn diddle burn, buddy. Burn diddle burn. Many thanks.


I'm wondering if liking this show or not is somehow related to whether or not you were a fan of the other Stargate shows? Or whether or not you are a sci-fi fan all together?

I'm asking this because aside from having watched the motion picture and a few episodes of SG1 I'm not all that familiar with the original SG universe, nor am I particularly fond of the sci-fi genre in general. To be honest I've first and foremost started watching this show because of Robert Carlyle.

I'm still on season 1, but so far I like this show far more than the Stargate motion picture and whatever little I've seen of SG1. I feel that SGU has a far more realistic story and far more interesting characters with more depth.


Most Stargate fans have issues with the first season or two of Sg-1, so if you started to watch it in order and had problems keeping with it you're far from alone. However, there's a point where it gets over that hump (for some it's the end of season 1, for others it is a little later) and becomes the show that they love.

