Season 1, episode 8: Time

I've recently come across this show on Netflix and am still watching the first season. I admit to not being a Stargate fan or even a sci-fi fan in particular, so I don't know all that much about the Stargate universe, which might explain my current confusion.

But what exactly is the purpose of S1, ep.8??
I mean, all the other episodes, I've seen so far, sort of link to each other somehow, both in terms of the storyline and the development of the main characters, however this particular episode kind of stands out and is even more or less left unresolved with Lieutenant Scott's Kino recording just before he assumingly got killed. Just before that Chloe and several others died from the parasites in the drinking water they had collected from the ice planet, however in ep.9 everyone is back to normal (probably something to do with the time travel thing), but nothing is mentioned about how they managed to get the poison from the creatures to help cure the parasite infections, or what happened after Lieutenant Scott presumably sent the Kino back in time through the Stargate.

Is this just because this episode leads up to a storyline involving time travel later on the show? Or am I simply missing something?

Because so far (I'm on episode 11 by now) it's like the things during ep.8 never happened... They have not been addressed or even mentioned once since the actual episode, and they don't seem to have had all that much of an impact on any of the characters either.

In other words... I'm confused. Can anyone help explain this to me?


Hi! Welcome to the Stargate universe (and Universe)...

Yep, the episode is connected to the other stories.

They get sick from water found on a previous planet, find the cure on this planet. They also use the cure from this planet at other times in future episodes.

Also, while the characters learn and then unlearn things about each other due to the reset from time travel, the viewers learn some new things about the characters.

The series includes a mix of episodic and serialized episodes, this one is a mix of both.


Thanks... both for the welcome and for your reply.

I saw the link between the episode "Water" and this one, but I found ep.8 rather unfinished somehow. It left a lot of questions which to my surprise weren't addressed in ep.9, so I'm glad we'll see more related to this particular episode later on the show. Hopefully some of the gaps will be filled then.

I haven't had any trouble keeping everything together, except from this one episode which really confused me.

So far I actually really like this show. Most of the characters are really well written.


It also establishes the mechanics of gate based time travel, (for new viewers such as yourself) which will be used again in a major unrelated time travel story in season 2.


Third timeline was created when their choices were affected by the kino with Scott's warning message. Obviously they believed the warnings.

What was not shown to us after Scott sent the kino back in time; They found Scott's warning message, and now when they knew better, they had time to get to the planet in daytime. They get the cure and cured everybody before anyone even get sick, and therefore nobody actually died in this timeline. Eventually they jumped back to ftl and headed towards to the next episode wondering how the kino with warning message from Scott ended up to the planet. Things happens.


What was not shown to us after Scott sent the kino back in time; They found Scott's warning message, and now when they knew better, they had time to get to the planet in daytime. They get the cure and cured everybody before anyone even get sick, and therefore nobody actually died in this timeline. Eventually they jumped back to ftl and headed towards to the next episode wondering how the kino with warning message from Scott ended up to the planet. Things happens.

During later episodes I figured as much, and it all made a bit more sense. I still wish, however, that they would've shown that on screen.


I think it would have been much more clear, if it was shown to us again where Eli finds another kino, but this time only a quick cut showing Scott's warning message, and someone we saw died commenting like "i think we should believe him".


I agree with you. The way they did it was a bit confusing IMO, and I think it could've been done better.

But overall I really liked the show. It had a lot of great characters, and I think it's a shame it was cancelled so soon... even though I don't mind that it made Robert Carlyle available to play Rumplestiltskin on Once Upon A Time. 


I feel the same way. I finished season 1.0 on bluray recently and thought there was a missing episode. Time felt inconclusive.


They did talk about what happened in Time. They talked about the disease they got from the water, Scott dying a horrible death, and an explanation of how the stargate can cause time loops in the Kino episode shorts.
