MovieChat Forums > Stargate Universe (2009) Discussion > Season 2 Episode 18: Epilogue(Spoilers)

Season 2 Episode 18: Epilogue(Spoilers)

Ok so something that has never made sense to me is how Camile Wray is alive when the school is made let alone the last survivor.

Shes 50 in the show when they get to the destiny, when they go back in time to Novus Eli doesn't have kids for a few years at least, and let's say they are about 20 years between generations, when Eli's grandson is born Camile would have to be roughly 70-75 years old, the grandson looks to be about 30 years old, so in the last scene when shes the last survivor she would have to be roughly 100 years old, she should be long dead so how is she there.

And i think it is stupid how she is the last survivor, Chloe, Eli, Greer or Scott would be the most likely people to be the last ones alive, they are some of the youngest of the crew and they are main roles(They aren't going to have some extra that plays a marine be the last survivor after all) and they would be about 80 in the last scene which is a lot more plausible then a 100 year old lady.


A) From where did you get the idea that was 50 when the show started? I do not recall any mention of her age in the show and although actor ages are not good indicators of character ages Ming-Na was in her mid-40s when she started filming the series. That may not be a huge difference and maybe you were rounding up, but I found it curious that you stated it very matter-of-factly.

B) It is only likely that they would outlive her if the only factor that you consider is age. However genetics, lifestyle, and random luck are important factors as well. Eli hasn't exactly lived a healthy lifestyle and there are a lot of dangers involved in settling a new place with the bare minimum that can cut people down early. For example, Greer and Scott are particularly active members of the community who were likely to involve themselves in the most high risk situations; hard manual labor, (what we consider to be a simple injury could be life threatening in their situation) hunting, scouting, etc. Chloe was also rather involved during her tenure on Destiny and she may or may not have continued to volunteer for high risk activities as she aged or she could have just had a bad spill where she hit her head doing something perfectly routine and without proper medical care that did her in. Other factors that can randomly cut people down include sickness, food related illnesses, weather conditions, and so on.

Plus, again, genetics are huge. If you're Cloe and you get cancer, that's it, you're gone. If you're Camile and you engage in rather safe activities and you don't have a high risk for medical problems along with a predisposition to longevity, there's no reason you can't outlive people younger than you. It happens all the time in real life both in societies with minimal access to medicine and those with high access - There's no shortage of stories of individuals who outlive those around them including sometimes their own children. It is not the norm, but we traditionally don't go around saying that it is stupid and shouldn't happen. Instead we usually murmurer a; "Oh that's cool/interesting," and then move on with ours lives. Why therefore should it be any different when it happens in fiction?


In the last 2 years 4 of my friends, all younger, some by as much as 19 years, have died from various things, mostly biological and only one accidental. I have outlived in years both my father and mother by a significant amount. I believe I can easily live into my 80's, possibly my 90's. There is no real reason why Camille couldn't live a long life depending on genetics, lifestyle and random chance.

It's just television, get over it! - David Letterman
