Selena Gomez is an awful actress.

I have only seen the pilot but there's some reaction shots and her face is just blank.


I think you were just looking after your cock instead. Nobody cares. Selena is damned funny. .


how much do you think of cocks?

She's as funny as diarrhea.


I thought she was cute as a button in Woody Allen's "Rainy Day in New York". She knows how to sell a gag from years of working on Wizards of Waverly Place. Maybe you don't like her just because she's a hot-blooded Latina.


What? That's nonsense.


I kinda thought this, too, until the last few episodes. Either she mellowed into the role, or I got used to her.


It's very possible she grew into the role


I agree. I’m not a fan of her one dimensional acting.


It took me a few episodes to get used to her, but I've grown to like her personality and unusual voice. I'm so tired of young actresses with vocal fry and upspeak. The way she talks is unique, and works for me.
