Summerslam 2008 Review
This show took place live from Indianapolis Indiana and your hosts are JR King, Cole, and Tazz.
Match #1
Singles Match
Jeff Hardy Vs Montel Vontavious Porter
MVP runs and tries to get Jeff to chase. Jeff catches him and sends him into the railing. Back inside and Jeff follows in with a slingshot legdrop for 2. Jeff runs into an overhead suplex into the turnbuckles which was ugly. He goes to a rear chinlock and Jeff monkey flips out of it but MVP rolls through into a half crab and a leg bar. Jeff fights up and tries a springboard but MVP catches him and necksnaps him for 2. Hardy put in the tree of woe, and MVP bangs his head on the mat for 2. Body vice, but Jeff escapes with a neckbreaker. MVP dropkicks Jeff back to the corner and charges, but Jeff comes out with a clothesline and gets a Russian legsweep for 2. Jeff sets up in the corner again for the mule kick, but MVP catches him and Jeff counters to a sunset flip for 2. Whisper in the wind and he goes up but Shelton Benjamin makes a distraction run in and Jeff misses the swanton and a mafia kick from MVP ends it at 8:13. 2 1/2 stars.
Match #2
Winner Takes All Tag Team Match
Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston And Womens Champion Mickie James Vs Santino Marella And Beth Phoenix.
Beth overpowers Mickie then gets dropkicked for 2. Beth comes back with a backdrop suplex and Santino comes in, but he gets monkey flipped then a high cross from Kofi. Kofi dropkicks and hammers Santino in the corner. Santino bails and looks to Beth for protection. Santino gets a neckbreaker for 2. Back to Phoenix, and she pounds Kofi with kicks, and Santino tries a chinlock. Kofi escapes and tags Mickie, and she hits Beth with a clothesline. Rana out of the corner and a thesz press, but Santino breaks up the pin attempt. Things break down and Mickie hits a DDT on Santino, and Beth runs in and gives Mickie the jazz stretch for the submission at 5:40. Santino and Beth get the title back. 2 stars I guess.
Shawn Michaels as lost his smile again after last months ppv and is considering retirement. Jericho shows up and they blow smoke up eachothers asses. Jericho accidently punches Shawns wife to close the segment.
Match #3
ECW Championship Match
Mark Henry w Tony Atlas Vs Matt Hardy
Henry is one of the worst "world champions" ive ever seen on ppv. Last months crap defense against Dreamer and now he's involved in an even worse match. Matt gets the twist of fate almost immediately and Atlas pulls him out for a shty dq 30 seconds in. Jeff makes a run in and they double suplex Henry on the floor. I can't believe ANYONE talked with any seriousness about how the ECW was worth anything once McMahon put it on. DUD!!! I used to call it the European championship of the promotion but by this time, it was the hardcore championship of pretstige.
Match #4
World Championship Match
CM Punk Vs John Bradshaw Layfield
Punk with high kicks and dropkicks him to the floor. He follows with a suicide dive, and back in for a high cross which gets 2. JBL shoulderblocks and beats him in the corner. Super fallaway slam gets 2. Bradshaw goes to the bearhug and a backdrop suplex gets 2. Abdominal stretch and JBL pounds on the ribs, but Punk stuns him with a high knee in the corner then a bulldog. He goes for the GTS, but the ribs give out and JBL hits him with a standing lariat. Punk hits him with the spinning backfist, and a spinkick gets 2. He springboards in, but JBL catches him with a powerslam for 2. He sets up to finish, but Punk blocks the clothesline with a leg lariat. High knee in the corner, but JBL blocks the bulldog and puts him on the top. Super backdrop suplex gets 2. Punk gets the GTS by suprise and retains at 15:10. 3 stars.
Match #5
WWE Championship Match
HHH Vs The Great Khali
Khali clubs and HHH uses speed. Head vice but HHH hits the knee to break. Khali goes outside and brain chops HHH and tosses him into the railing, and back in. Standing clothesline gets 2. Khali goes nerve pinch. Legdrop gets 2. HHH fights out of another nerve hold and fights back with a facebuster and Khali staggers and gets tied up. HHH charges and runs into a boot. He tries the pedigree but Khali is too big for that. HHH trips him up and bangs the leg against the post and as he gets on the apron, Khali knocks him off. Khali with another head vice but HHH fights out of it. Last year he was crushing peoples skulls with it and caustin internal bleeding but now here is HHH is showing no ill effects. Has nothing to do with Khali outliving his initial monster push and it has nothing to do with the other factor being HHH. Khali charges and hits the corner. HHH manages a pedigree to end it at 9:18. Call it 1 1/2 star.
Match #6
Singles Match
John Cena Vs Batista
Batista grabs a headlock and Cena escapes with a slam and the crowd always pops for the intro of his entrance music and then turns more hateful every second till the final bell. This match is no different. Batista with a clothesline and a jackhammer for 2. Cena with a fisherman's suplex for 2. Batista gets a sideslam, but Cena counters into the FU and Batista escapes and clips the knee. Kneecrusher and a figure four and Cena gets to the ropes to break, and then dumps Batista with an FU over the top rope. Back in, Cena puts Batista down with the shoulderblocks and a backdrop suplex. Five knuckle shuffle and he goes for the FU but powers out and drops him with the big boot. Batista spears Cena then a corner clothesline, but a blind charge hits elbow. Cena charges and runs into the spinebuster. Batista bomb is countered into the STFU but Batista makes the ropes. Batista reverses the FU into a rear naked choke. Batista spears him for 2 but Cena powers him up into the FU out of a powerslam attempt, for 2. Cena goes up and they slug it out on the top rope, doing the boo/yay spot. Batista falls off and Cena tries the super fameasser but gets batista bombed on the way down. Cena kicks out of course. Batista is frustrated and going full blown heel as he kicks Cena in the mush and another batista bomb ends it at 13:01. Two ppv loses in a row for Cena? Must be NUCLEARZ HEATZ!!! 3 1/2 stars. Cena should of lost on the first batista bomb though.
Match #7
Hell In A Cell Match
The Undertaker Vs Edge
Edge attacks then gets booted and beaten in the corner. Taker tosses him and runs him into the cage then into the steps. Back in, Taker guillotines him on the apron and brings the stairs into the ring and gives him snake eyes on the steps. Edge whips Taker into the stairs and spears him into them. Edge beats him down with the steps then gets a table. He stacks 2 outisde for something then he tries to suplex Taker through them. He manages to necksnap UT and then hits him with a chair. Edge puts him down with a chair shot then gets a ladder. Another chairshot puts Taker down. Edge puts Taker on a table and does a cactus elbow drop with the chair off the ladder through the table for 2. He tries the conchairto, but Taker blocks him and punches him down. Edge retreats to the apron, so Taker boots him off into the cage. Taker runs the stairs into Edge's head, but gets posted, and Edge spears him right through the cage. Taker is bleeding off his arm so that probably means more time off. They fight at ringside and Taker whips Edge into the barrier but Edge bounces a monitor off his head. Then spears him from one table to another. They slug it out at ringside and Taker wins that, but Edge comes back with a ladder shot. A camera to the head gets 2. Edge sets up for the spear, but Taker catches him with the chokeslam and gets 2. Last Ride is countered with a low blow and the edgecution for 2. Taker sits up and goes for the last ride but changes his mind and wants the tables. Edge gets a spear him for 2. Edge slugs away in the corner and that allows Taker to powerbomb him for 2. Another one of those "do the 10 punch thing in the corner and Taker gives you the last ride out of it" id think the heels would stop trying that because Taker has done it at every ppv since 2007. Then Taker sets up for the tombstone on the stairs, but Edge reverses out with the edge o matic onto the stairs, for 2. Edge tries to go old school, but Taker counters it and chokeslam Edge through the tables. Taker spears Edge, then sets up with the camera and beats him senseless. Taker follows that with the conchairto and Edge is a pile of goo. Tombestone ends it at 26:43. Taker goes creepy postmatch and sets up the ladders so he can chokeslam Edge through the ring with the camera crew working in his dark image effects with weird crazy old man close ups of his face then he makes the crater catch fire, end of show. Edge probably turned up the next night just fine and was feuding with somebody else like nothing happened.
Overall Opinion: This was a weird ppv. Two non titles matches got top billing while the world titles were put in the midcard. The ECW title doesn't count, that is a worthless piece of junk and is just there for lower midcards to pretend they are world champ material.
Final Score: Im going 5.7 stars out of 10.0. Best show since Mania 24 of this year that ive reviewed so far.