MovieChat Forums > Easy A (2010) Discussion > parents are portrayed as idiots

parents are portrayed as idiots

This movie sucked in my opinion. Every parent is portrayed as an idiot and has no clue, while the kids are all witty. Yeah that's real smart when I pay the bills and decide what we watch...


The only parents portrayed as clueless idiots were Rhiannon's.
Marianne's father & Micah's mother were each portrayed as clueless, but neither of them were portrayed as idiots.
Olive's parents, on the other hand, had a general notion of what was going on, & they were keeping an eye on it in their own way.


Olive's parents didn't miss a thing. They knew exactly what was going on but didn't step in to fix everything (or just ignore everything) like the other parents did. They reminded me of my parents. I thought I got away with so much, but now I know they knew everything. I thought I hid my first hangover. A few years ago, my dad told me exactly when I drank, where I drank and who I was with. I'm too afraid to ask them if they know when I lost my virginity.

They let me make mistakes and fail and I learned how to deal with it. I think they did a great job with me and all of my sisters.

Georgina: Are we safe here?
Michael: Does Albert read?


Olive's parents didn't have a hands on approach. They didn't hunt her down and ask to know her every move every minute, They were understanding and went through a lot of what she went through in high school. Those types of parents exist, treating their kids more like friends than kids but nonetheless they were good parents and Olive always told them not to pay attention to what they heard about her. They had faith in their daughter and did not get involved with what was going on.

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