'Twat'is not a bad word in the UK
She says "Think British". Yes, the term comes from the UK, but everyone says it. It's said in class in England and its far from a really bad word. Is it a very bad word in the US?
shareShe says "Think British". Yes, the term comes from the UK, but everyone says it. It's said in class in England and its far from a really bad word. Is it a very bad word in the US?
shareThere's already a thread about this on the first page:
Yes, it's offensive in the UK (particularly to females), and yes, you'd probably get into trouble if you said it in class. If you called someone that, I'd expect a strong likelihood that you'd get hit in response.
Fashions change, but for a lot of people (particularly older generations), it's only one small step down from the C-word.
I call everyone it, and people call everyone it for a joke. :/
We say it in class, the teachers have heard us (when we were in school), and we were in a Catholic school. In front of a normally strict teacher, and other teachers.
I guess it's where in the UK yo come from. Me and my dad call each other it all the time.
My Dad will tell me off for using *beep* *beep* and especially the C word (which I hate), but twat is fine. Hmm
For the record, here's the most recent UK survey I could find (2010):
http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/research/tv-research/offensi ve-lang.pdf
From P92:
Group 4: Medium acceptability to some/lower acceptability to others
'Cock', 'Twat'
The words 'cock' and 'twat' were usually grouped together, either towards the middle or lower end of the scale. Many thought that the words were often used in a lighthearted manner and not usually in a way which is likely to cause offence.
However, there were some participants who found the words 'cock' and 'twat' more
offensive, particularly parents and older people (aged 55+). Some said that this was because of the sexual connotations of these words. In particular, some participants said that 'twat' was as offensive as the word 'cxxx' in some areas, whereas some participants interpreted it as a strong term for 'idiot'. Some participants, particularly those with older children, were concerned about their children hearing this type of language.
The summary of earlier (2005) research puts "twat" in the middle category of swear words, classed as "Offensive to some groups/polarising" (P251). It does rather seem to vary depending on location and age-group, but ultimately it really depends on how it's used: there's a big difference between friends throwing it around "in a lighthearted manner", and someone using it as a direct insult as in the film.
It's weird.
I would never call someone it as an insult as I genuinely don't think it's a offensive word. Everyone I know use it as another word for idiot, numpty etc...
Thanks. That's really interesting in itself. Contrast that with the US's FCC that apparently doesn't conduct surveys, instead just relying on bureaucrats' ideas of what is "obscenity, indecency and profanity".
I just presumed it was on the c-bomb level in the US. But I'm sorry what school in the UK do you get in to trouble for swearing, at my school the teachers were just thankful that was all you were doing.
shareErrr, you wouldn't get in trouble for saying twat here, in fact, I guarentee every UK resident says it at least once a day.
Using the 'c word' is alot worse, and would get you in trouble in class. American's who swear make me laugh. It doesn't sound right.
I guarentee every UK resident says it at least once a day.
Blatantly untrue.
As stated further up, the most recent Ofcom survey found its acceptability to be moderate to low: it's generally a medium-level swear word, but some groups (e.g. women) consider it more offensive than others.
I agree that the "C" word is considered more offensive, though.
I rarely say twat and I'm from County Durham. Round here, twat isn't as offensive as c-u-next-tuesday, but it's higher on the scale than, say, calling somebody a bastard or a bugger. I'd say the word twat in front of my parents, but not my grandparents.
shareIt is true it is a slag word for vagina, so that offends some people. It's also just a term for being bad or an idiot, so not so offensive in that way. I guess some people don't particularly like it, and some people don't see anything wrong at all. Just depends on the person. But generally, I'd say it's around the level of cock or bloody.
I can't judge it by whether I say it, because I say every swear word under the sun. I say the 'c-bomb' in front of my parents without batting an eyelid. I'm British, I like to swear, we have the best swear words.
I don't think it's a bad word in the US and honestly I never hear anyone say it here so when I heard it on Easy A I didn't expect her to get in trouble.
honey badger don't care.
Depends how it's used and how it's taken, as others have said it has two meaning a) strong term for idiot and b) slang for female genitals. To be honest growing up (in UK) people only seemed to use it for the former so it wasn't the worst insult ever
In the original script she called a C U Next Tuesday. But they wouldn't let them use it in a PG-13 movie because the rating board in America is stupid..
Twat was allowed to be said so it really isn't THAT bad a word, but she gets in trouble for it because a. It's a plot point b. it's name calling in class which isn't called for
Look!www.imdb.com/title/tt0118276/board/thread/132505868?d=132505868&p= 1
That's what I thought. When I watched this scene, I was baffled by everyone's reactions, and the fact that she got sent to the principal (who went on about what a horrible word it was). I was thinking, this is what would've happened if she had said c u n t and figured that was probably the original word in the script but of course, they had to censor it.
Changing it to "twat" just makes it lose the effect and sound silly. Especially since twat and tramp are on the same level, it seems ridiculous as many have pointed out that the other girl (who STARTED it and called her a TRAMP first) didn't get in trouble.
No. You'd get away with it unless your teacher is some creepy dude that's been hitting on you all year. (like the guy in movie)
I got nothing.
erm twat means vag
it might be commonly used over here but that doesnt mean its not a bad word
Twat is a bad word in England, atleast it is in Yorkshire. If a child said it, you wouldn't congratulate them on it.
shareTwat is a bad word in England, atleast it is in Yorkshire. If a child said it, you wouldn't congratulate them on it.