i laughed at the beginning when he was cleaning up the paint on the floor...he was just smearing it around, not sure if it was supposed to be funny but i definitely laughed.
I absolutely loved three parts right in succession. In the kitchen, when Don is caught between Sunny/Joanne, and Mel. Mel goes after Don with the ax and Sunny hits Mel on the head with a roast. Mel barely register he's been hit and turns around and does this thing where he's like 'Heyyyy' or something like that (kind of a 'How dare you hit me!' moment haha), followed by Sunny continually whacking him on the head with the roast until he dies, and as she's bashing him, Don is leaning up against the stove and says 'Okayyyyyy' like 'You've proved your point' and then, right after that, he goes to Sunny so calmly "Well you beat Mel to death' lol. That was great.
I also really loved the way Marie peeled out of the driveway after Don comes back after initially leaving town. And the scene at the motel that revealed she had all those tatoos was great. It was so like wth? lol. And the way Otis leaves so quickly after Sunny discovers him and Don looking for the doctor's body was great. He totally didn't look back haha.
And to the user who mentioned the way Don was cleaning/smearing the paint on the floor in the beginning, I was watching it with my parents last night and they each said the same thing. And did you notice it kind of foreshadows the scene where Don cleans up the doctor's blood after killing him on the back porch?
I also loved when Sunny and Don are in bed talking and she brings up her parents and she goes "Oh yeah, they died. They're dead." lol.
Good movie!
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I agree, the whole kitchen scene was a riot. Also from the same scene (not their exact words)...
MEL: Hey, so why don't you just put down the... AXE?! and let's sort this out.
SUNNY: Don, kill him! kill him! (Don refuses, drops the axe) SUNNY: Ok Mel, you kill HIM!!
I was also LOLing in the scene where Marie is driving Don in her car, and they're trying to figure each other out.
Don looks straight ahead. Marie stares at him intensely. Don turns to look at Marie. Marie looks away quickly. Don keeps staring at Marie. Marie looks back at Don. Don looks away quickly.