MovieChat Forums > Død snø (2009) Discussion > one thing I hate in horror movies

one thing I hate in horror movies

The accidental kill. I mean who goes up and taps on someones shoulder when they're in the middle of killing a zombie. Excuse me I know you're busy but...ack!eh I'm dead eww...


that my friend is what we call a cliche
"Just because the guys got a library card doesn't make him Yoda"


Watch the Descent lol


Yeah, this movie was full of those kinds of cliches, but... that was kind of the point. It was an homage to many different horror movies, and it intentionally played on the cliches of the genre.

Normally I agree that a lot of the tired old gags in these films are getting... well... tired and old. But this time it seemed more like a nod and a wink to those cliches.


People getting killed by their own mind-boggling stupidity is by no means limited to movies and TV.

I am Jack's signature.


That's not a good reason for them to do that. The horror cliches have been parodied for as long as they have existed, and they've existed for a long time. The "Scary Movie" and "Scream" series built whole scripts around horror cliches, and it's been done much longer than that: a parody slasher flick called "Student Bodies" from the 1970s, runs wild with those concepts that are retreaded over and over in the genre.
Referencing played-out horror tropes is, in itself, played out. I believe that the only reason people are willing to take this movie seriously is because people don't expect to see a Norwegian slasher movie.


Student Bodies was made in the '80s. Kind of a no-brainer, as it references countless '80s slasher movies.

And Dead Snow isn't a "Norwegian slasher movie." It's not a slasher movie of any kind.

And as much as I have a soft spot for Student Bodies, it's not a good movie. Dead Snow is much, much better. Apples and oranges, really, but yeah...Dead Snow is just a better movie on every level.


Haha, that part totally ruined the movie for me. I know most of the makes no sense, but that scene was just stupid.



I don't know what's so bad about that. I mean, usually they all die anyways, sometimes with 1 or 2 survivors, at most. The rest has to die and there are just so many different ways how to die. The way they did it here was stupid, agreed, who would tap someone's shoulder that was in the middle of cutting zombies into pieces with a chainsaw!? But generally speaking, falling victim to their own weapons and traps isn't a stupid idea per se, in fact it's quite realistic.
If there is a clichee that I hate about zombie movies it's either that single person hiding a zombie bite (again, that's realistic, most people would hide it, but it bothers me that's exactly ONE person every time) or the cynic *beep* that doesn't play team and betrays the others when they need him the most.


Yeah, when your friend is drenched in blood in the midst of a kill crazy hacking/slashing spree with a hatchet or chainsaw frantically fighting off bloodthirsty Nazi zombies, you probably want to avoid frolicking up behind them and suddenly grabbing their shoulder expecting them to be delighted to see you.
