Dead Snow 2
Sequel coming this year. Red vs Dead.
Sequel coming this year. Red vs Dead.
Woohoo! Bring it on.
My Video and CD reviews at HubPages:
Saw it last night at Sundance. Packed theater, it was awesome.
"Well what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today!"
Dead Snow 2 outshines the first film in so many ways. It's a must see for anyone who liked the first one and/or loves zombie films. It was very hilarious as well as very entertaining.
Fear not the darkness, but welcome its embrace.
so from the look of the trailer, when Oberst Herzog punches through the window of martins car he grabs martin and his car is swarmed by Nazi zombies, martin manages to drive off and shakes sideswipes a on coming truck which causes Herzog to lose the arm he was holding onto martin with..martin then wrecks the car over a small cliff and wakes up in hospital where magician doctors re-attach a 70 year old wrinkly zombified arm onto martin which gives martin a zombie killing super power fist which martin uses to dish out Norwegian justice.... I'm in..... sounds like fun.