An Independent Review

Writing for The Independent, Kaleem Aftab rated the film one out of five stars, writing, "Most scenes lack pace, are performed badly and are accompanied by a running commentary of action we can see for ourselves. It's car-crash film-making. Of the characters, it's only the uncredited Depp, the coolest guy in the room, with his dapper dress sense and long sideburns, who comes away with any credit."

This was a mere 5 years ago, when The Independent was singing Depp's praises and putting a mediocre attention-seeking actress in her place, and yet, over the last year or so this same paper has been constantly trying to destroy Depp with article-after-article berating him (bear in mind, this was *after* Heard's piece accusing Depp of 'domestic violence').

What gives? A bit of fucking CONSISTENCY wouldn't be amiss among these newspapers. Then again, it just confirms what we've long known about the media. It's full of SHALLOW individuals who change their opinions about people on a fucking dime. No sense of LOYALTY, DEPTH OF FEELING, CONSISTENCY or COMMITMENT whatsoever. PATHETIC. If there is a hell (and I suspect there isn't, speaking as an atheist), I hope there's a special place reserved in the bowels of the place for fucking 'journalists'. ๐Ÿ˜ 
