one of them character movies! An extra point for WTF moments!
Probly has the most name actors stopping in,
out of any other movie you have never heard of lately.
Ned Bellamy, whos been in every TV show made since 1979
and a ton of movies shows up for two minutes.
Funky weird characters all over the place.
Its a comedy. . .I think?
Wait, whats with that moment of pathos and sad music
during Knoxvilles big scene???
I felt bad for... I felt bad?? I felt???
Hmm, more to this freakshow than meets the. . . something.
I think I saw a talking dog,
and Billy Crystal, most likely the most
talented of the funny folk in here,
has the least funny role in the movie.
He's all dramatic and $#!t!!
And it works.
I like these no budget movies where somebody
demonstrates some friggin craft.
Theres some moviemakers out there blowing a quarter billion
on stuff that sucks,
they should take some lessons from this.
"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"