One of the worst films Ive ever seen
Yeah I know, lots of film's boards on imdb have someone saying this. This is not a knee jerk opinion and I don't go around posting such an opinion. I even can be entertained by very sub par films.
But this is on a level of badness that I found really interesting. When you see a great film you sometimes want to see interviews or documentaries about its making. I would like to with this film. I would like to know the thought process of the people who can create something so utterly atrocious.
The acting in some cases was not bad - Caan, Crystal, not bad. Shockingly decent cast. I watched it because I was a big Little Britain fan, so I like Lucas. Seeing his gross body didn't freak me out, though him being in underwear the whole film made zero sense.
So much of the story made no sense, so much of the dialogue was just bizarre and lazy. No intrigue, no laughs, no drama, the worst effects you can imagine, no likable characters.
I can go on and on with an epic essay of why this was bad, but frankly I can't be bothered writing anymore. If my post keeps one person from wasting their time on this I have done my job. Or better yet, watch it, you will sit there in utter amazement and the incompetence of this film. It's a different style of entertainment.
For you people who liked this, there is something fundamentally wrong with you