
Any reason why Charles couldn't just control Azazel and steal that helmet off Shaw? And that whirlwind guy to stop him from crashing the plane?


Plot device.


They actually talk about controlling teleporters in X2 I think. Something about the brain chemistry. And the guy that can cause storms I guess it was too complicated or perhaps he had the ability to block Charles out and they just don't talk about it.


Because they follow and unfollow their own rules to further the plot. Charles is so powerful he could have just frozen the entire fleet and then had Azazel steal the helmet! But they need to further the movie along.

For me the hardest pill to swallow was brass fracturing a body made out of Diamond.


For me the hardest pill to swallow was brass fracturing a body made out of Diamond.

Lol same here, but I guess what they wanted to show is that frost could not hold the diamond form for too long, hence eric tightened the brass-noose a tight as it could get, and as a result frost lost focus, and the skin cracked.


For me the hardest pill to swallow was brass fracturing a body made out of Diamond.

We have to remember, and this has been said in other realms, that hardness and surface strength (nothing can scratch a diamond except another diamond) are two very different things.

A diamond can be crushed under power.

Also remember EMMA likely has diamond skin in appearance and properties, I doubt it is actual diamond. Just as Darwin can adapt a tough skeletal structure I doubt it is actual found on the ground rock. Remember the armadillo and rhino are armored, but this is not alloy metal.

What's more you have Magneto likely manipulating the brass and keeping it rigid and thus the surface isn't being affected. With so much pressure a diamond will crack and shutter. As noted before she was feeling the pressure, it was building, and getting more and more of a burden mentally. She couldn't devote herself to merely deflecting bullets with hands (X Men Origins), a lot of her body was under immense pressure. Ever seen a watermelon destroyed with rubber bands?

Shooting tons at it will do nothing.

Wrap around a bunch and you can cleave it!
