which charcacter had the worst portrayal
Out of all the movies we have seen a lot of different characters portrayed . Some have been real good like Jackmans Wolverine or Paquins Rogue (though I wish her costume was a bit more revealing, maybe there saving that for the sequel). But to the point which character had the worst portrayal. To me it has to be Gambit from Origins. Now not only is Gambit my favorite Of the X Men, but he is also the coolest. We all know that. And probably the most major character not to appear in the original trilogy. And when he finally did appear, it was just.......awful. The actor was forgettable. The character had almost nothing to do in the story. U could have cut him out and lost nothing. He didn't blow up any cards. He didn't even have a Cajun accent. I guess the writers and directors were told to include Gambit. And I guess they just didn't like his character or didn't know what to do with him. Cause the little they did do with his character did not work at all. It's a real shame cause he was such a great character. What about u guys. Who do u think got it the worst.
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now