Ranking The X-Men Films

Perhaps a little controversial in places, but this is my honest ranking of how I would rank this franchise


Bruges is like a fairytale....:P


First class is good. The rest are forgettable, boring and poorly written/directed.


Mine is quite different. From best to worst I rank them as follows

1) X2
2) X-Men First Class
3) X-Men
5)The Last Stand
6) Days of future past
7) X-Men Origins Wolverine

I have not seen the Wolverine or Apocalypse.

In my opinion, X2 was without doubt the best film because it was probably the most mature in the series. Combined with this, I believe it was the most dark and believable in the series and had the best script writing & acting. I can see how one might find it less entertaining if you were hoping for an Avengers-style action movie but for me this is part of what made it the best film.

All these new CGI packed action movies just bore me now. I like movies with deeper stories and more drama as opposed to those that simply jump from one action scene to the next. I rank X-Men first class at #2 because I feel it is similar to X2 when it comes to possessing a deeper, darker storyline and more emphasis on character development. After watching and rather enjoying X2, The last Stand just felt way too light-hearted and childish for me to enjoy.


The Wolverine is so underrated.

"You're not a standup guy today, Pat!"


Congratulations, FilmMeister, for going against convention (which is shocking on IMDb). I especially appreciate your hailing of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and "The Last Stand." And thanks for pointing out that X2 isn't all that, although it's good.

However, I strongly disagree with the idea that "The Wolverine" is the best. And "Deadpool" is for 14 year-olds.

My 175 (or so) Favorite Movies:
