MovieChat Forums > X: First Class (2011) Discussion > The Worst Thing About First Class

The Worst Thing About First Class

Was the way they revealed eachother's superhero names.

It was so casual and nonchalant that it just looked so cheesy.

'you're Beast!'

'hey, you should call yourself Professor X and Magneto'

'OMG guys you gotta call him Havok!'

It was too forced and I really think the script should have been a lot crisper in this respect.

The stupid have one thing in common.They alter the facts to fit their views not the other way


While I enjoy the film, I agree that this scene was embarrassing. The other thing that really gets under my skin is how they overdo the whole humans hating mutants issue. case in point...

* The two agents who start laughing at and mocking the mutants while they hang out in the big windowed room. I mean, really?

* "The mutants are just on the other side of that door. Just let us NORMAL people go!"

Don't get me started on "mutant and proud!"

Goofy as hell! Like I said, though, I do like the film. Those scenes just irk me!

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


Let's be honest- if those names weren't made by teenagers, they were certainly made for them. So if you think about it, it's not so crazy.


In re-watching it, I actually think the worst thing about FIRST CLASS, was that everyone looked too modern. With the exception of Oliver Platt, hardly anyone looked as if they stepped out of 1962. It seemed as if Jennifer Lawrence came out of a 2011 fashion shoot. How about giving some of these women beehive hairdos? And some of the men's hair seemed longer than the Beatles (!) and it was in 1964, where the media made the biggest fuss (and shock) about how long their hair was.

I think they did a better job in the next movie giving them all a proper 1970s look.


The above mentioned bits of dialog were bad, but I'll add the bit at the end when the two Naval Commanders were giving commands and other bits of dialog. Both the American and Russian commander said the exact same thing in each moment.

American: It's been an honor serving with you, men...
Russian: It's been an honor serving with you men...

It's almost like the writer was trying to be politically correct, and show that both sides were equally capable leaders with stern leadership capabilities.


Or, they were showing that people who command soldiers in the military have a great deal of respect for the men (and women) who obey their orders and are willing to sacrifice themselves.


The worst part of the movie was when Magento couldn't decide whether to speak English with a German or Irish accent.

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!
