In a world filled with mutants, it’s not the least bit bothersome to me. Besides, the movie focuses on mutants and military/CIA people; we hardly get to see normal civilians in it. In Xavier and Raven’s first scene, for the most part everyone around them looked authentic. The enemies of the movie (government folks) definitely look the part in their suits and uniforms. The mutants? While most of their clothing and hairstyles don’t quite scream early 60’s, i think it makes sense that they would look somewhat ahead of their time. And with Raven (um, I mean Mystique) wearing mini-skirts, that isn’t hard to accept. She’s believably a little ahead of the curve.
In any event, in the X-Men world things could convincingly look different from the reality we know. Perhaps not much effort went into ALL the fashion, but overall I certainly get an early 60’s vibe from the film.
And yes, the gals looked good.