MovieChat Forums > Venom (2018) Discussion > As a Venom fan from the comics I was pre...

As a Venom fan from the comics I was pretty disappointed on how beta Eddie was portrayed in this movie

This was most likely done in order to create a comedic dynamic between the two but coming from the comics this was super painful to watch. In the original run, Eddie and the symbiote both shared a common goal and leveraged their strengths to form a super being. Here it portrays Eddie as extremely dependent and whiney while getting constantly dumped on by his superiors.


To be fair, the movie only covered Eddie's first few hours or days with the symbiote. He was busy being shocked, overwhelmed, and feeling like he'd been hit by a car physically, and the human and symbiote didn't have any real relationship until the last 20 minutes of the film (more or less). So the comics probably covers hears of the character's lives and have time for them to develop a very complex relationship, but that's not happening in 20 minutes of film.

Maybe they're saving that for the sequel, and I don't know if I'll watch it. This film wasn't fun, except for watching Hardy.


Comparing the period of adjustment with the comic wouldn't be the best argument to stand on. From inception the two had an immediate bond and worked off of their hatred of Parker from there. At no point did one have autonomy over the other. It wasn't until decades later that the symbiote ditched Brock when he had cancer I iirc. This film wanted to make a comedic approach for laughs, which came off cheesy. Judging by the sequel's trailers it doesn't look they're deviating from this formula. From what I saw Hardy was still getting bitched around and had to beg the symbiote to come out in one scene against Carnage.
