Surprised me!

Finally got round to watching this (big marvel fan). After reading some terrible reviews on release I wasn’t desperate to see it but was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it.
Yes it’s not the best marvel movie out there and it did have me questioning some things but it was fun to watch.
I’ll be going to watch the second one on the big screen.


I agree. It was an enjoyable film, better than some of the reviews made it out to be.


Agreed. It’s a fun ride. There’s no denying the film has it issues. I can’t say that I was let down by it, though. I don’t often let poor movie reviews deter me from going to go see a film, albeit even I was expecting the worst when it came to Venom. Fortunately... I couldn’t have been more pleasantly surprised by it myself! I loved it.

Hardy was fantastic as always (some don’t think so, but as a big fan I have to say that this is absolutely one of my favorite performances from him — he’s the main reason the film works imo), and the action, humor, and the effects were well-done. Moreover, Michelle Williams in it was a big plus. While I understand why some felt that she phoned it in, I think that she started to shine once she came to face to face Venom. To me, she ended up having fun with the role and that’s what I really wanted to see from her.

So, as flawed as this film may be, it’s not without its merits. It’s fun, well-acted, somewhat moody, and pretty charming. (Not to mention this Venom puts the last live-action Venom to total shame.) In terms of staying faithful to the source material, I can take or leave. I mean, I unquestionably wanted Spidey to be involve in a Venom origin film (duh), but I don’t need every comic adaption to stay 100% faithful to the comics. A good film that stays true to the spirit of the character is more than fine by me! (The MCU doing its own thing and not repeating what we’ve already seen in previous films... yet still doing the characters justice... has worked out perfectly for them.) As such, can’t wait for the sequel! I feel confident it’ll be a big improvement over this one.


I'm fine with them doing this movie since it is more similar to the comics than if they did it in the newest Spider-Man movies where they have drastically changed things to be as different from the older movies as possible. Which means they'd probably make Eddie Brock like the Ultimate comics version of the character. Which is something I don't like. Also with how they've done the movies they can't even do it like the original comics since Peter isn't going to be an adult in the forseeable future. Not to mention they aren't probably going to adapt something as dark as the Sin Eater Murder story from the original comics in the newest movies. Plus it wouldn't ever be a faithful adaption anyway since they always want to make the villain connected to Peter Parker and they aren't ever going to not do that.
