So sad critics are paid off to hate such a Great movie like Vemon!
Its clear WB is paying Critics off to hate Venom....
There is a massive conspiracy here....
Audiences and the real fans love this movie!
who cares about Rottentomatoes......
NO actually this is a thread detailing a similar event in history....The Day DC fans had thier hopes and dreams crushed.....The day The review embargo lifted for BvS-
LOL Just wanted to make this thread as a tribute to DC fans as I'm sure they felt Deja Vu yesterday when they saw Venom debut to a high 20% rate on RT....
lol 2016 was filled with exact moments like this for DC fans....Waiting for reviews to hit and Having their Dreams CRUSHED when BvS debuted in the 20's on RT.....and again just 5 months later with Suicide Squad somehow topping BvS and Getting worse reviews....
I'll never forget The week of March 25th 2016, quite simply put, It was An Event that BROKE DC fans and was the direct cause of them losing touch with reality in Favor for a Delusional Fantasy World....
You got to understand the 3 years prior to truly comprehend The HORROR DC fans felt during this week
MOS was released in June of 2013, It was extremely Decisive....DC fans managed to do something remarkable though....They were so relentless, So Non Stop in defending the movie and claiming it was just a case of Critics not being able to except a different,darker take on Superman that It actually convinced WB and gave MOS a reputation that It was unfairly Judged....
This resulted in WB not fully understanding the CORE Problems MOS had, They didnt understand Snyder's take on the character was wrong and would never work, They didnt understand Snyder's dark,depressing,colorless, Murderverse Literally went against The 75 years history of These ICONIC characters....and DC fans Blind and relentless defending of MOS and Snyder Lead WB to believe MOS was actually a good movie that was unfairly Judged, This resulted in The biggest mistake in The History of Cinema....WB allowing Zack Snyder to return to direct BvS and Run the DCEU branch.
at comic con in 2013, WB shocked the world and announced BvS....This was so ODD and shocking because Prior to this MoS had just come out in theaters, and due to it badly Under performing and being extremely decisive...There were concerns, But DC fans #1 trolling tactic was "Well if MOS did so bad, or if WB is so concerned, then Why is MOS2 already announced and Greenlit"
This is a Huge reason why DC fans went FULL retard with the announcement of BvS.....ever since MOS was released , They were on The complete Defense defending the film and really the ONLY thing they had to prove MOS wasnt a disappointment claimimng "Oh ya well why is MOS2 already announced then"
now the Ultimate Irony of this is....That excuse they used for 3 months ended up being Disastrously wrong...."MOS2 being announced was the proof they used to prove MOS wasnt a disappointment to WB, why would WB already announce MOS2 if they were disappointed in MOS".....Hilariously MOS2 never happened Instead, WB panicked and tried to Bring Batman in to Up Box office after MOS disappointed
But the Point is....all this disappointment, All Of MOS's failures, It All Lead to An Exposition of Trolling the likes of which had never been seen When BvS was announced....DC fans quite simply felt they FINALLY had a Film in BvS that NO MARVEL Studios MCU film could compete against..DC fans then spent the next 3 years going to every single Blockbusters movie board and claiming BvS would destroy that film....and once again during this time, Due to DC fans blind Defense of MoS, It wasn't clear yet that Snyder was a Curse....again DC fans somehow spun a narrative that MOS was Unfairly Judged and Snyders dark,depressing and colorless tone would work in BvS....
combined that With Excellent trailers for BvS....This all set the stage for "The Week of Broken Dreams for DC fans"
I was On IMDB at that time....DC fans 100% expected BvS to get over 80% on RT and Be Great....they really convinced themselves MOS was actually a Great film and Critics unfairly Judged it because it wasnt like Reeves Superman...But They were convinced now critics know what to expect.....and MOST importantly....DC fans had Blind, almost God Like Faith in Snyder...It truly had never occurred to them he was A Destroyer and not a savior....
lol I'll never forget the daily "You guys can have your light, Humorous Kiddy MCU films....we want Adult,Dark, and Mature DCEU films"
and Then It Happened.....
2 days before BvS was set to be released, The review embargo lifted....Ironically though there were 2 things that happened before this that ADDED to DC fans Misery.....
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